Yonder Bone Broth Bars Offer Flavorful Nutrition Collagen and Proteins

Yonder Bone Broth Bars Offer Flavorful Nutrition Collagen and Proteins - A Midlife Wife

* product received for review consideration

If there is one thing I’ve learned through my eating plan changes over the past few years it is that wholesome ingredients is critical to any success.

I have found certain items are important for my body because of my age and because of my nutrient requirements. One of those things is collagen and the other is protein.

I learned about collagen and how important it is for your body about five years ago. I find when I do supplement my diet with collagen I feel so much better and I think my skin looks better too.

So I was excited to find and learn about a brand new protein bar that is soon to be released that uses bone broth collagen along with 100% organic ingredients.

Yonder Bone Broth Bars Offer Flavorful Nutrition Collagen and Proteins - A Midlife Wife

Yonder Bone Broth Bars Offer Flavorful Nutrition Collagen and Proteins

Bone broth is a staple for many in the Paleo nutrition movement because it is thought to heal your gut and provide essential collagen for muscles, tendons and ligaments, along with minerals and vitamins.

But haven’t we been using bone broth forever when making homemade stock and soups? The flavor and richness of the soup is definitely there with that method. And grandma swears by healing illness through homemade chicken soup… Maybe she knows a thing or two.

Okay. Bone broth and the collagen that comes from making it is important for our health. But let’s face it… that takes time. So now comes a fabulous alternative and supplement. Introducing Organic Bone Broth Bars called Yonder.

Yonder Bone Broth Bars Offer Flavorful Nutrition Collagen and Proteins- A Midlife Wife

I was able to try a few of the bars and not only were they filling and loaded with flavor, they are also made with top quality ingredients we want our body to ingest. Things like pea protein, sunflower seed butter, pumpkin seeds, blueberries, and more. Nothing non-organic goes into these babies! Low sugar – only 2gm, and high in fiber! A perfect balance!

Yonder Bone Broth Bars combines many of the items that I know work well for my body and offers it in one high protein, high fiber, low-fat bar that will fill you up! Soft and chewy, you can feel the richness of the ingredients as you chew and taste the quality too. Three flavors to choose from for every palate.

Yonder is definitely a keeper in my eating plan!! Perfect for breaks or replacement meals when necessary. Brand new to the market, you have to check these out!

Yonder Bone Broth Bars Offer Flavorful Nutrition Collagen and Proteins - A Midlife Wife

Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a 4 samples of free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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