How I Made Changes by Listening to My Body

How I Made Changes by Listening to My Body - A Midlife Wife

Over the past few months my body has been seriously making some changes. I’m tired all the time, some days exhausted. I am having a terrible time sticking to a diet. And I just feel pretty rundown for the most part.

So I started thinking about when I did feel the best over the past couple of years. I realized it was when I was juicing every day, exercising almost every day and lifting weights, and I was eating well. And by well I mean just healthy choices 4-5 times a day.

Today much of that is gone. Not only am I tired and lack energy, but I feel horrible that I just can’t get my mojo back. But I did decide to do something about my nutrition and lack of energy.

How I Made Changes by Listening to My Body - A Midlife Wife

How I Made Changes by Listening to My Body

I started listening to my body, for one. Because I’m not juicing as often as I was before I had picked up some vitamins last month to supplement my food. But they didn’t do everything I thought they should. I didn’t feel a hundred percent better or different. And I need to.

So today I switched brands again and found one that has higher levels of concentration and includes iron. I also bought some CoQ10 and prebiotics since I have been reading more and more how your gut health is the most important place to start when it comes to weight loss and health.

I’m hoping that with the supplement change, trying to step up my juicing, working out more again, and hopefully getting more sleep, that I will be able to feel a whole lot better in just a few days. It’s important to me in more ways than that. I hope that it becomes a catalyst to making permanent changes in my eating, working out, and my health overall.

I miss feeling great. I miss my healthy, glowing skin, and I miss the energy I had!!

What do you do when you feel huge lack of energy? How do you inspire yourself to make changes and keep moving forward?

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