Happy Healthy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

This is the tough time of year for those of us always trying to eat healthy and make changes daily. If you are going through menopause and needing to lose weight or just trying to stay healthy overall it can be difficult to stay focused with all of that delicious food surrounding us during the holidays.

What I have learned over the past few years is that a healthy balance is perfect. I keep to the 80/20 rule, but on a normal day I keep to the 90/10 rule. I allow for the mess up and mistakes or simply give myself permission to eat something I want.

I find that I do so much better knowing that I will not beat myself up for having that slice of pie as long as everything else was good that day. I know my limits.

So today I wish you a Happy Healthy Thanksgiving. Enjoy tastes and flavors of the foods you love. If you fall off the horse, make it right on your very next meal. It helps me stay on track. I hope those words help you!

Enjoy your family and friends and don’t stress about the food.

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