Why Bread Causes Bloating and Other Digestive Problems

turkey sandwich on wheat bread

Do you experience bloating after eating bread? If you answered yes, then it is possible that you are sensitive to foods made from wheat.

If you are like many of us, it is also quite probable that bread is such a regular part of your diet that you can’t imagine doing without it.

The simple sandwich is a staple for most families. However, if you want the symptoms to stop you have to eliminate the cause. You can do this by reducing your bread intake or looking for other (gluten-free) types of bread.

If symptoms persist you may need to further limit or cease your intake of other wheat-based food also. An allergy to wheat may produce even harsher symptoms.

Let’s look at some issues many people have been experiencing with modified wheat grains.

Why Bread Causes Bloating and Other Digestive Problems

Wheat Allergy

If you are allergic to wheat you may experience itching, rashes, wheezing, and your tongue and lips swelling within minutes of eating wheat bread. You must consult your doctor right away if you experience severe symptoms.

Wheat Sensitivity

If you are sensitive to wheat you may experience bloating, stomach cramps, or diarrhea hours after eating wheat food products. In milder cases you may experience abdominal discomfort, especially after consuming a large serving.

Celiac Disease

Celiac disease is an extreme form of gluten intolerance. This is a condition in which an individual’s intestine becomes damaged by a protein in the gluten. While affected, the intestines are unable to perform their proper function of nutrient absorption and excretion. If you suspect yourself to be gluten intolerant, consult a doctor and expect to undergo blood testing for an accurate diagnosis.

Avoiding wheat-based foods

Many people who are either sensitive or allergic to wheat products have made the choice to abstain from wheat-based foods and have found relief from their symptoms. Cases of wheat sensitivity are increasingly common due to wheat modification in many areas especially as bread is part of a staple diet of many people and cultures.

What should you do if you are suffering from bloating and other stomach problems after eating food products that contain wheat?

If your symptoms of wheat allergy persist for a longer period of time, or if blood is observed in your stool, you should seek medical help right away.

Any other serious symptoms such as vomiting and severe stomach cramps should also be referred to a doctor. If your symptoms are mild or if you are suffering from a bloated stomach, you can try an elimination diet. You can do this by avoiding foods made from wheat for at least a month.

If your symptoms cease, then wheat is almost certainly the culprit. Resume eating wheat products in small quantities to check if your symptoms recur. Do not start on bread immediately. Try pasta first for a couple of days before you choose to eat wheat bread again. I have found sourdough bread does not bother me as much.

Monitor the after-effects of any food containing wheat. Do not overload your system. If you have a wheat sensitivity rather than an allergy you may be able to continue to eat wheat products in moderation. If this is the case, overloading your digestive system with wheat foods will cause any discomforting symptoms to return.

Aside from bread, other foods that can contain wheat include:
cereals, doughnuts, beer, soy sauce, biscuits, pastries, and cakes.

Make a point of reading food labels. If you choose to go on a wheat-free diet, alternatives are quinoa, buckwheat pasta, oatmeal, cornflakes, and rice cereals.

Some people who are sensitive to wheat may find the FODMAP diet helpful. This diet allows people to cut out fermentable foods that may lead to bloating and diarrhea.

I hope this helps you! It took me a while to figure out my issue with wheat!

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