6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Digestive System

6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Digestive System - A Midlife Wife

I am finding that the older I get the more my guts are acting up. I am more sensitive to certain foods. There are some foods used to eat, but cannot touch now. Can you relate?

We all know that having a healthy digestive system can make such a difference to your overall health. Not only will you feel better, healthy and less bloated, but you’ll find it easier to lose weight and exercise to keep active.

Here are some ways you can help to boost your digestive system.

6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Digestive System - A Midlife Wife

6 Easy Ways to Boost Your Digestive System

1. Drink Plenty of Water

Water is the wonder drug for our bodies in so many ways! It will work wonders for your digestive system. It will keep you hydrated, cleans out your internal organs, which promotes even better digestion.

2. Exercise

The more you exercise, the better your digestive system will be. The better it is, the more you’ll be able to exercise and feel comfortable doing so. It is a natural circle.

3. Keep Fatty Foods to a Minimum

You don’t have to cut fatty foods entirely from your diet. However, the more you eat, the worse your digestive system will become. If you want to give your digestive system a good boost, you cut out fats for a week or so to detox your system.

4. Fiber is Your Friend

One of the best foods to eat for your digestive system is natural fiber. This can be found in many cereals, brown bread and rice, and also fruits, such as bananas. Getting a good daily dose of fiber will ensure your digestive system keeps working at its optimum throughout the week.

5. Maintain a Healthy Weight

If you’re at a healthy weight, your digestive system will work better. If you lose weight, the combination of shedding excess fat and eating a better diet will improve your digestive system, and you’ll feel a lot better. Many of the things which help you to have better digestion will also help you to lose some weight, so it’s a win-win situation for your digestive system and your waistline!

6. Slow Down When Eating

People can eat all the right foods, but if they’re eating too quickly or eating at the wrong times, such as just before an exercise session, they will feel awful. Slow down when you eat! A good way to do this is to eat with other people and have a conversation over dinner. This will force you to slow down since you’ll be concentrating on having a conversation at the same time. Another trick is to chew your food 20 times a bite. This is an old trick but it works!

These six easy ways to boost your digestive system will help you feel better overall. Sometimes it is simple changes that can make all the difference!

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