One of the hardest things I had to learn when I first started going low carb and keto was to make sure I had food that I could eat now or available when I needed it.
I am the type of person that will make a bad choice if I don’t have the food I want or the food that I need to eat easily accessible.
If I have to prepare a big meal or it’s a big hassle, like frozen and I forgot to take something out, then the chances are pretty big that I’m probably gonna choose something else that may not be as healthy for me. My husband falls into this category as well.
Trying to eat low-carb and keto means you have to have food that you want to eat, not just that you need to eat.
Once you cleanse your body of toxins and really get on the road to healthy eating, the last thing you wanna do is grab that burger or drive-through and get tacos.
The problem with that is you’re going to feel like crap afterward and it’s going to derail you, plus make you feel bad about yourself because you were not prepared.
So here are 5 simple tips to make sure that you’re prepared for your low-carb or keto meals anytime.
Keep It Simple Keto Tips – and Low Carb Too!
1. Keep it simple.
My husband struggles with this. He wants to make a meal that costs $40 for ingredients that we don’t have in the house and then it becomes a big hassle.
If you know you’re eating simple foods like salads, fresh vegetables, meats, fruits, then it’s simple to make sure you go to the store twice a week so you always have those fresh vegetables or that fresh produce and fresh fruit available.
2. Make sure that you are prepping that fruit/salad/vegetable right away.
When you get home from the store, take the 20 minutes and cut up the produce, clean and rinse off your fruits and put them in mason jars so that they last a long time. If food is readily available, the less chance you’re going to cheat.
3. Keep your meals simple.
It doesn’t have to be a big hassle to throw a steak or some hamburger in the frying pan, cook it in butter, and add a side of broccoli, green beans, cauliflower blend, or something.
I try always to serve a protein and two veggies. Nothing wrong with that. You can get some rotisserie chickens from the grocery store- (I hesitate to say Costco because they do inject their chickens with some type of sugar water, or something that could inhibit your diet success).
Break those chickens down and shred them out so that you have chunks of chicken if you want it just off the bone, or you can actually shred it for a quick chicken salad, etc.
By the way – This plate pictured was not for us. We also meal prep for a friend that is not low carb or keto hence the corn, but it is better than fast food!
4. Stock up on prep containers
Either disposable from a restaurant supply or get some nice glass ones so that you can easily pack your lunch or dinner ahead and not have to worry about preparing it. If you come home late from work or you need to take lunch tomorrow, you can quickly throw something together.
5. Try to get away from the restrictive breakfast, lunch, and dinner time frames.
Eat foods that you want when you’re hungry.
For instance, eggs don’t always mean they have to be made for breakfast. You could make an egg salad for lunch. You could add hard-boiled eggs to your salads.
You don’t have to think of full meals, just think of foods that will make you full and satisfied, regardless of what time of the day it is.
Final Thoughts
The first image I shared is a meal I prepped for my husband. It was both a snack and his lunch – however, he wanted to eat it. This contained rotisserie chicken off the bone, a couple of cheese, sticks, ham and pickle wraps, and some walnuts, which are excellent for protein and minerals.
Another great item to include is fruit. You can eat fruit with your meal. Just don’t eat fruits without a meal! Include berries, pineapple, oranges, nectarines, and more with your meal, as a dessert.
Fruit is good for you and contains so many wonderful nutrients so don’t be afraid to eat them. I think I have a list of fruits you can eat on low carb, even keto, depending on the plan you are following.
I hope these tips help you prepare delicious low carb and keto food. It doesn’t have to take a lot of energy to help you get to the goals you want. Wholesome food, without a lot of trouble.
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Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.