Yoga for Chronic Pain WTF by Samantha Parker: Review

Yoga for Chronic Pain WTF by Samantha Parker - book review

product received for review consideration

I love the fact that publishing a book has become a main stream option. Today we have the ability to read books from people who are doing wonderful things in their businesses and with their lives. My first thought as I opened and read the introduction in this book by Samantha Parker was WTF.

I am inspired by the kudos from military men and those in active-duty praising the results from this book. I’m inspired by the fact Parker doesn’t mince words and speaks with strength and conviction. She knows this will work. She’s not sugarcoating anything.

This book is completely different from what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was an introduction to the movements that you could do to help alleviate the pain.

However, I couldn’t be more wrong. What this book actually is about is getting into our brains and learning how to let go of what is holding us back from practicing what truly will help. Yoga has been proven time and time again to help strengthen the body and therefore alleviate the chronic pain.

You could essentially say she’s giving us a swift kick in the butt and teaching us how to recognize and reset our pain sensors. She’s telling us in very scientific, medical, and with physical knowledge that we have to let go of the fear of pain in order to learn how to move past it and find relief.

We are essentially afraid of doing something that we feel may hurt as we walk through the process building the muscles that will eventually give us some relief.

I can relate to this completely. I’ve had several instances where I was afraid to have my lower back worked on by chiropractors because I knew it would hurt. I know my limitations and I baby and protect my back.

Could I actually become pain-free if I worked it out? I think so. But we block ourselves because of what we are feeling right now – not what we could have by working through it.

Parker breaks down every excuse we have and even shows us why we feel the way we do. Why our brain thinks one thing and our body thinks another. How special forces operators, who are big, tough guys, find relief through deep stretching.

Chronic pain and yoga don’t sound like they go together, however, Parker gives us so many reasons why it works and it helps. If you have chronic pain, you have to read this book. Then find someone or a class and start your stretches and break that chronic pain cycle caused by a lack of movement from the loss of movement.

Yoga for Chronic Pain WTF by Samantha Parker - book review

Yoga for Chronic Pain … Wtf?: Take Control, Combat Pain & Rock Your Life by Samantha Parker
Publisher: Neoteric Movement Systems (September 4, 2018)
ISBN-13: 978-0692122679

ABOUT Yoga for Chronic Pain WTF by Samantha Parker:
If you’re living with some type of chronic pain, at one point in your journey your doctor probably advised you to start doing yoga. And at one point you said, “WTF?” As in, “My doctor told me to do yoga. WTF? How is that going to help?”

Or maybe you’ve gone to a yoga class on your own because you read online that it would be good for your back. So, you went to a yoga studio and a typical class and you found yourself saying, “WTF? This is my first class. How the hell am I supposed to bend like that?”

Or you have gone to a yoga class, completed the class successfully only to get home and several hours or a day or two later, you’re in more pain than when you went to the class! WTF? I thought the class was supposed to help me, not hurt me?

Relief from chronic pain with yoga is possible. In this book, certified yoga therapist Samantha Parker explains how traditional poses can be modified, and gives readers keen insights into what is physically happening to the body while practicing yoga. She also dives deep into what is actually causing your chronic pain, so you can combat it at its true source!

Parker takes away the mystery and presents the practical side of yoga, so you can come away from a yoga session and implement what you did on your yoga mat that day for the rest of your day, week and possibly life.

Based on more than 5,000 hours teaching yoga and developing innovative movement therapies for critically injured soldiers, this book is for anyone who suffers from chronic:

– Lower back pain, hip problems, sciatica, and bad knees
– Migraines and other headaches, stiff neck, fatigue
– Sprained or weak ankles, and many foot ailments
– Bursitis, tendinitis, and rotator cuff problems

Chronic pain affects 100 million Americans, and yoga can be a long-term viable alternative to addictive prescription drugs.

If you have been practicing yoga in more traditional ways, and it’s not working for you, what have you got to lose by approaching yoga from a different perspective?

Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free book so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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