What is The Macrobiotic Diet

What is The Macrobiotic Diet

Today we are living in a time where we are working to take back our health and make it a priority. So many of us realize that the chemical-laden foods we are used to consuming are slowly killing our bodies. Raw food and more healthy choices are a top priority for many, including me.

With that comes the task of finding a plan that works for you and your body. That in itself can be a tough job.

I have checked out and tried so many different plans personally. I did want to learn more about the Macrobiotic diet and learn about what it is and means. Here is some information, in case you have not heard of it either.

What is The Macrobiotic Diet

What is The Macrobiotic Diet

Macrobiotics refers to the science of longevity and health. It is based on the view that each person is largely influenced by their environment and social interactions as well as the geography and climate of the place they live in.

Macrobiotics views illnesses as the body’s attempt to return to a more dynamic and harmonious state with nature. It highly stresses the importance of a healthy diet as one of the major factors that affect a person’s health and well-being.

A macrobiotic diet not only refers to a daily diet but also embraces the importance of living with healthy lifestyle habits for the long term.

What Foods Are Included in a Macrobiotic Diet?

A macrobiotic diet prioritizes locally grown foods that are prepared in a natural manner. Undertaking a macrobiotic diet also means taking extra care in the way the foods are being prepared and cooked. There is a strong emphasis on eating foods that are baked, boiled, and steamed, using little fried and processed foods.

Whole grains, vegetables, fermented soy, fish, nuts, soups, seeds, and fruits are the main components of a macrobiotic diet. Other natural food products can also be incorporated into the diet.

The composition of a macrobiotic diet can be altered in order to suit your needs, with consideration of your particular health status.

This allows people with specific conditions, or even dietary requirements or preferences, to fine-tune their diet, while still adhering to macrobiotic principles and recommendations.

Eating slowly and chewing food thoroughly is very important for any and all eating plans.

What Foods Are NOT Included in a Macrobiotic Diet?

Since a macrobiotic diet strongly recommends that foods must be eaten in their most natural state, processed foods should be avoided.

Fatty meats, dairy products, sugar, caffeine, refined flour, alcohol, poultry, zucchini, and potatoes are some examples of foods that should not be included in the macrobiotic diet.

Macrobiotics aims to achieve balance in every aspect of your life. Therefore, foods that are highly concentrated and over stimulating should also be eliminated from the daily diet.

Macrobiotic Diet Studies

Some studies reveal that following a macrobiotic diet has helped many people lower their levels of blood pressure and serum lipids (cholesterol and triglycerides). This is why some experts suggest that this kind of diet can also be used as an effective means of preventing the start of many cardiovascular diseases.

Many experts also believe that a macrobiotic diet can also serve as a valuable addition to a cancer prevention plan. However, the macrobiotic diet remains the subject of controversy as many experts doubt its benefits when practiced by people who have diagnosed malignancies.

On the other hand, many anecdotal reports claim that its therapeutic effects are remarkable to patients who are suffering from advanced cancer diseases. However, to date, very few studies have been conducted that would prove or disprove the benefits of a macrobiotic diet.

Further studies are warranted in order to prove the effectiveness of a macrobiotic diet in cancer prevention. Other concerns expressed by some experts include claimed risks of nutritional deficiencies.

However, it is difficult to dismiss the long-term health benefits of any diet which is based on the consumption of organic and locally grown foods and the removal of highly processed ingredients.

Processed foods we know have caused irrefutable harm to our bodies, and it only makes sense to eat as wholesome and natural as we possibly can for our body’s sake. Maybe the macrobiotic diet can help you.

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