Ever since I moved into the agricultural part of California I have that issue with certain types of illnesses and sinus issues problems. I suffered from sinus headaches for years. It took 10 years for me to acclimate to all of the dust and harvesting changes in the air.
I have lived in this area now for over 25 years. My sinuses have finally calmed down, for the most part. What tends to catch up with me now is the rain.
We don’t get very much rain, on a regular basis. So when it does finally come down, so does all of the dust, mold, and everything out of the trees. That’s when I get sick. What I have found is that the more I drink my greens, more I can usually fend off any type of illness.
Using Greens to Shorten Illness and Improve My Health
I shared with you the type of greens I usually use before. Country Farms Super Greens that I find at Walmart has been helping me lessen the affect of my illness for the most part.
If I wake up with a scratchy throat, I lead off the day with the greens and the soreness usually dissipates. Stuffy nose or any inkling that all is not well, I hit the greens!
I believe that the extra boost of nutrition, vitamins, and minerals are critical source to help with my immunity to keep me healthy longer. Plus, if I do get sick, I truly believe that they help me feel better a lot sooner.
This past week and weekend I have been quite ill and I am finally feeling better. I honestly think this illness would’ve been much worse had I not been drinking my greens and taking my vitamins every day.
Proper Nutrition as We Age
I think it’s important that we try to find ways to improve our health and nutrition as we age. I know I find it easier to grab a quick meal somewhere rather than try to cook for just one or two people.
But doing that means we will be lacking nutrition because restaurant food or fast food certainly doesn’t have the nutrition we need. So for me having greens and vitamins really does help me and my overall health. That’s a quick, affordable addition to my day that helps me feel better overall, not to mention lessen the effects of illness.
The next time you’re at Walmart or somewhere where they have containers of greens, check them out. Take a look at the nutrition label and see how much condensed, packed in nutrition you get with a simple 8 ounce cup of water and greens every day. I think you’ll feel better once you get in the routine too.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.