Thoughts about Zevia Zero Sugar Soda

Zevia cherry cola soda

My husband picked up a new soda the other day to try. I had never heard of it before but in our quest to get healthier, we decided to check it out as it is sweetened with Stevia instead of any chemical sugar additive.

As we know soda pop is terrible for you. Loaded with phosphoric acid, caramel color, sodium benzoate, and other things we may not be able to pronounce, like Aspartame, one of the worst sweeteners out there.

When you read the can for Zevia, you don’t read a laundry list of questionable ingredients.

Here is the ingredient list from a can of Zevia Fruit Punch:
Carbonated Water
Citric Acid
Organic Stevia Leaf Extract
Natural Flavors

That’s it!

Zevia cherry cola soda

Thoughts about Zevia Zero Sugar Soda

So we decided to try this Cherry Cola. One surprising thing was the clean taste! So lightly flavored and the perfect amount of bubbles. I then poured it into the glass and it is clear! No caramel color, which according to the Center for Science in the Public Interest, “Caramel coloring is made by heating a sugar compound (usually high-dextrose corn syrup), often together with ammonium compounds, acids, or alkalis.”

Okay! Drinking ammonia does not sound good, nor does it do good things for our bodies! Hard pass…

But the Zevia has none of that. In fact, not only does it seem to actually be a pretty clean soda, it tastes great!

We have tried many of the flavors now: Grape, root beer, orange, cherry cola, and even the kid’s fruit punch. So tasty!

So if you are looking for an alternative to soda, besides water every so often, check out this brand. Perfect for a treat and something you can not feel bad about drinking.


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