Quiz: What Type of Exercise Fits Your Lifestyle?

Quiz: What Type of Exercise Fits Your Lifestyle?

Quiz: What Type of Exercise Fits Your Lifestyle?

So many people I know just do not care for exercising other than walking or hiking. But sometimes we need a bit more than that especially if we are trying to make changes in our life. The older we get, or menopause sets in, it becomes tough to make changes to your body! So why not try something smart to help keep with a routine.

What Type of Exercise Fits Your Lifestyle?

What’s your exercise style?

Take the quick and easy quiz to find out what approach will help you get going and stay motivated with a daily exercise plan!

When I exercise with a friend, I…
a. Feel like I spent too much time chatting and not enough time moving
b. Feel invigorated after a good “walk and talk”
c. End up needing more “me time” – I use exercise to clear my head

Working out with other people makes me feel…
a. Distracted. I get caught up in the social vibe and forget to work out!
b. Motivated by what others are accomplishing with their own fitness and weight loss goals
c. Intimidated by all of those beautiful, fit bodies. I’ll never get there!

When I think of creating a workout schedule for myself, I…
a. Get confused if I have to coordinate the plan with too many other people such as in a class or with a group or even with a friend
b. Figure that with a bit of planning, I can set a schedule that works with my career and life.
c. Have a hard time visualizing how I can make it work. I’m a busy person juggling a lot of different responsibilities in my life.

Every time I try to fit exercise in…
a. Always find that something else gets prioritized first. I procrastinate when it comes to working out!
b. I do better when someone else gives me a friendly nudge in the right direction.
c. Am able to keep up as long as I’m going with the flow in my own life.

Tally up your answers!

  • If you mostly answered B, you do your best when motivated by and surrounded by other people who share your exercise and fitness goals.
  • If A was your most common response, your best bet is to keep your exercise plan simple. Something like fitting in a quick jog after work, or doing some stretches before bed, would be the ideal routine for you.
  • If C was your most common response, you’re a little shaky on your approach to health, weight loss and getting fit. You might do well chatting with a health coach who can help you figure out a schedule that works for you!

Personally, I am pretty good on my own once I get going, but I would like to have someone motivating me sometimes too – either a friend or a coach. I need to find something that keeps me moving daily, like swimming or walking.

What are your results?

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