Mind Tricks To Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal

Mind Tricks To Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal

Have you ever felt weight loss is an uphill battle and you just aren’t up for the sustained effort? I know I have!

Trust me when I say more than once I have wanted to throw in the towel and just give up! The hardest thing I have ever done!!!!!!!!

As more and more people come out to share their weight loss victory I know I want to be one of them too. And so can you!

The key is to keep your eye on the goal and don’t let common challenges derail you. Below find some tricks that I have used to help stay in the mental zone needed to lose the weight, feel great, and change my lifestyle, a little at a time.

Mind Tricks To Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal

Mind Tricks To Help You Achieve Your Weight Loss Goal – Or at Least Move You Forward Daily!

Don’t compare yourself to another person’s weight loss or fitness success story.

We’re each on our own path. If you started with a lot to lose, then don’t let the person with the cut abs make you feel like it is too much. You can get there, but again, weight loss is a slow and gradual process. We did not put it on over night!

Make weight loss a lifestyle change, not a numbers goal

This means working on some perceptions around food and eating that you’ve probably surrounded by while growing up. Finish all of your food. Clean your plate. You look hungry, have more… yeah, those!

Have patience with yourself

Lasting weight loss results don’t happen overnight. Remember permanent lifestyle changes it will be a slow but steady transformation. Be kind to you. Forgive yourself when you get off track with your diet but get right back on track!

Think of the bigger reasons beyond wanting a better body and buying cute clothing

Big reasons include staying active even as you age, avoiding chronic disease, keeping yourself physically fit and able so you can continue to stay independent, and being healthy for your family.

Consider how weight loss might reflect on your chosen profession

If you’re someone who has gained some weight and feel it is reflecting poorly on your chosen career. As an instructor, I am on my feet hours a day and some days its a killer!

Set attainable goals

Don’t aim too high with a weight loss goal. You are making it easier to slip back into old habits. Set reasonable goals, like 10% body weight reduction, Or BMI reduction, A1C reductions, counting calories, etc.

Remember that tomorrow is another day

This is my go to! If you find yourself making the wrong choices for a day or two, don’t let that be your permanent backslide. Reverting to your healthy normal should be your approach even on days when you slip.

Remember no one is perfect everyday but if we strive for being 80-90% perfect every day, these type of mind tricks can help us be successful ultimately!

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