Low Carb Ham Salad Recipe

I love ham and look forward to eating it on special holidays and any time I can find one during the “off season” at a good price. I try and buy several extra ones and freeze them when they are on sale over the holidays so I can enjoy them whenever.

With Easter coming up, now is the time to start looking for hams at great prices. I enjoy leftover ham and always look for different ways to use it. Hubby loves ham salad but the ones I have tasted commercially made and even made by others always upset my tummy. Since I love dill pickles, he decided to make his recipe with baby gherkins to see if that would allow me to be able to enjoy it.

I was thrilled with the results and hubby was too! This is full of flavor, nice and creamy and thankfully, no upset tummy for me! Plus it is Low Carb too!

Low Carb Ham Salad Recipe by AMidlifeWife

Low Carb Ham Salad Recipe


Ham off the Bone, chopped – 1 1/2 to 2 lbs
Mayo – 1/2 cup
Spicy Brown Mustard – 1 tbsp
Baby Gherkins Dill Pickles – 1/4 cup
Pickle Juice – a few splashes
Onion Powder – 1/2 tsp
Salt – 1/2 tsp
Pepper – 1/2 tsp

In a small food processor add in the ham and whiz it a few times to break it down into small pieces. Do not make a paste. Then add in the other ingredients. Blend it thoroughly and adjust for taste.

Low Carb Ham Salad Recipe AMidlifeWife

Low Carb Ham Salad Recipe from A Midlife Wife

This is perfect for leftovers, lunch and even appetizers. I think your family will love it too! Enjoy it by itself with a spoon. Or you can add a few crackers on the side. For non low carb eaters, on bread as a sandwich is loved too!

Let me know how you like it.

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