Hubby is Going Low Carb

Hubby is Going Low Carb - Juicing and Low-Carb Food Prep

I never thought I would see the day! After eating low carb for almost a year now, I have experienced good results. While not perfect, I do embrace most of the low carb lifestyle. I feel so much better overall. I have more energy and I am not nearly as bloated or swollen as when I was eating anything and everything. A definite plus!

I have been bugging my hubby for a while about reducing the amount of breads and white processed foods to just give his body a break. He would eat okay for a day or two and then go right back to the bad stuff. This past week he has finally seen the light! I am excited to say that hubby is going Low Carb!

He has had a great weekend and has been making so much progress on doing research and trying out different foods that he wants to eat. While a few days in, he did feel like he was getting sick, this was caused by what is known as the Low Carb Flu and we found a great resource from my friend Lynn Terry on her Low Carb Blog with a Checklist To Get Started on a Low Carb Diet: The Best Way To Start Low Carb . There she talked about drinking chicken broth to help with your body changing from burning carbs and sugar to burning fats. When your body starts to change, you may get the feeling like you are getting sick. And the broth did help him!

Since I have been juicing for almost a year now, I am used to prepping my veggies. Now that hubby is also going low carb, I am going to start prepping more since he will be juicing too. This is a great way to make sure you are getting in all of the rich veggies you need to help offset the loss of some carbs.

For now, hubby is still in a learning process. I know that once he accepts the change, he will start to feel better and that will help him too. I am excited that he is finally ready to make healthier choices. YAY!

Do you eat low carb? What tips can you offer the hubby for his changeover?

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