How Perimenopause Weight Gain Affects Women

How Perimenopause Weight Gain Affects Women

As a woman, we have to put up with a lot of stuff having to do with our bodies. We especially start seeing changes as we start getting into the Perimenopause portion of our life. This is the time when changes in our estrogen levels lead to big fluctuations.

You hear the stories of women in menopause. I remember my mom going through the change and she was crazy sometimes. LOL I always prayed I was not like her. HA. I try to stay pretty mellow, but sometimes it gets away from me.

Typical Perimenoause Symptoms Include:

  1. Hot flashes
  2. Change in Menstrual cycle
  3. Mood changes
  4. Weight gain
    And others…

And that’s just before menopause kicks in. Then the symptoms can get worse or stay moderate depending on your individual make up.

How Perimenopause Weight Gain Affects Women

How Perimenopause Weight Gain Affects Women

One of the biggest changes for many women is the weight gain. It’s estimated that women gain a moderate 2 to 5 pounds. However, if you’re already overweight, chances are good you’re going to gain more than the average.

There are many reasons for weight gain during perimenopause and menopause. Most of them have to do with hormonal changes that can cause feelings of hunger and appetite changes. Eating more carbs and sugar will mean increased levels of insulin, which can equal weight gain.

Another reason stems from a reduction in energy, which can lead to lack of exercise. This can also mean increased levels of insulin. Which also means weight gain…

So what do you do?

Reduce carbs – eat more proteins and veggies which will help lower your blood sugar levels
Add Fiber – eating more fiber will help fill you up and help with digestion
Do More Strength Training – this will help burn more calories and give you more energy over all

Fighting perimenopause weight gain is tough. But with some tweaks we can win the battle. For me, it is up hill because I decided to take charge while I was in perimenoause already. With plenty of set backs and progress forward, I know it is not a fast process. But it is one I will continue to work through!

How Perimenopause Weight Gain Affects Women - AMidlifeWife

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