Craving Bread But You Eat Low Carb? Tortillas To the Rescue

Craving Bread But You Eat Low Carb Tortillas To the Rescue

affiliate links included

I have to tell you, I have a love affair with bread. I don’t know many people who don’t like bread, especially when it’s fresh sourdough – warm from the oven. Just thinking of that makes me happy.

However, my body has issues with many forms of bread, therefore, I rarely eat it. But I do love sandwiches. And sometimes you just need something bread like.

I live in a very small town and I don’t have the opportunity to find things like pumpernickel bread, which I could eat and enjoy. So I have to find alternatives.

I did share with you last year these amazing low carb tortillas that I find at Walmart. They take the place of bread for me when I’m craving that sandwich I need.

Craving Bread But You Eat Low Carb Tortillas To the Rescue

Craving Bread But You Eat Low Carb? Tortillas To the Rescue

I absolutely love these tortillas. They’re light and do not weigh you down at all. They’re loaded with fiber, in fact, 11 g of Fiber are in these babies. Only five net carbs – zero sugars. They are the perfect substitute when you need a sandwich.

I’ve also use them to make low carb pizza, and of course Taco Tuesday wouldn’t be the same without them. There always a hit for that. I have even made Enchiladas with them. Just delicious in every way I’ve tried them.

If you don’t have a Walmart where you are, I did find them on Amazon. I am including the link which is a referral link and they freeze beautifully. I always buy two or three extra packs because they do sell out. They are expensive from Amazon, so try to find them at the store first.

They also have a couple of different flavors, like spinach and something else I can’t remember. But I like the original. They’re more versatile for me.

Give them a try I hope you like them as well. No, I’m not being paid by anyone to share this with you. I just think they’re damn good. And a lot cheaper than the name brands. Everyone I’ve shared them with loves them too.

Disclaimer: I sometimes recommend products that I believe in. The link in this post includes an affiliate link where I will make a small portion of income for a purchase made through the clickable link.

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