I hate all of the chemicals that surround us in our normal day-to-day living. We have to deal with chemicals and additives in our foods, in our clothing, in our water. It just doesn’t stop.
I love it when I find a natural organic-based product that I can easily use. I try to not use chemicals on my face and even in my home I’m careful about the products that I use to clean.
The Switch to Chemical Free Cleaning
A close friend of mine has been using the shopping club you’ve probably heard of over the years called Melaleuca. I decided after three years of watching her to finally start making the changes in my house.
This came at an opportune time with the COVID-19 illness we’re all locked down for. With these products such as their impressive Sol-u-Guard, I know I am disinfecting my home as needed. Their hand sanitizer is also very impressive and I’ve had no issue getting it. Made with Aloe Vera, Glycerin, and JoJoba Oil. It is soothing too.
There is a lot of companies out there that are now starting to switch to more plant-based and healthier options. Heck, even the Avon lady is starting to add a line of healthy cleaning products. You know everyone is realizing the issues with chemicals if they are starting to add products like this too.
So why am I sharing this with you? Because the site is about healthy living. To me that means all sorts of healthy living; mind, body, and our surroundings.
If you’re interested in learning more about Melaleuca, I’ll be happy to share what I know. What I do know right now is I’m thrilled with the products and there’s more to come as I start switching out my cleaning supplies, bath and body, diet products, vitamins, and so much more.
To be honest I’m surprised at all the different items they do offer and I love the fact that you mix your own cleaning supplies so you can control the strength needed and you save a ton of money.
Have you used Melaleuca? What are your experiences with it? I’m excited to move forward.
A Bit More Info
This info below was shared on Facebook by a Jennifer Morgan an I thought it interesting to share with you – read on
There were forty-five thousand calls to poison control centers between January and the end of March! That’s a 20% increase from the same time period last year. In their passion to clean their homes, Americans are poisoning themselves. Did you know that Clorox and Lysol are TOXIC and can lead to Asthma and respiratory distress.
There’s a better way‼️
Sol-U-Guard Botanical® Disinfectant is registered with the EPA to KILL similar viruses and therefore CAN be used against coronavirus when used as directed.
Powered by all-natural thymol and citric acid. No bleach. No poison.
Friends our homes need to be our haven—from viruses, bacteria, and from poisons. Our safe place.
Check out this Article.
Let me know your thoughts!

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.