The Frustrating Part of Long Plateaus

The Frustrating Part of Long Plateaus

I’m an expert at weight loss. I’ve lost hundreds of pounds over the years. The problem is I also gain them back. LOL I am determined to stop doing that and just have this Ridiculously Big Salad plan be my final way of eating.

But I definitely have frustrations with the way my body loses weight now. I experience long plateaus that leave me gaining and losing the same few pounds over and over.

The Frustrating Part of Long Plateaus

The Frustrating Part of Long Plateaus

Several years ago when I started a low-carb and juicing plan, I lost about 60 pounds and had a plateau that lasted months and months. It was so frustrating no matter what I did including adding extra exercise, heavier weights, it never changed. My body was just stuck at that same weight.

Eventually I cracked and started gaining weight again. I’m just so frustrated and tired that I am really I want to be in control of my foods and my body.

With my intermittent fasting and one meal a day plan I am again experiencing a long plateau. Some of it has to do with eating a second meal once or twice a week. That really throws my body off completely but I feel bad for my husband.

Another part of it is I think my body is just tired of constantly changing eating patterns and habits. Although I’m eating at the highest level of nutrition and fiber I have ever in my life, the weight still struggles to come off.

What’s important to me though is toning up and losing inches. I’m just hoping for the best. Our winter in California has been so incredibly mild I think I’m going to get my heater fixed in the pool and start getting in the pool sooner than I normally do. Maybe that will kickstart me again.

If you’re experiencing long plateaus know that your body is still losing inches and working internally. Long fasts really do help your body work well. So hang in there. Together we can do this. Promise!

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