The Death of Mindless Eating

The Death of Mindless Eating

I hope I’ve cracked the code when it comes to my eating. So I have to say that I’m actually feeling pretty good about where I am right now.

Like I told you the other day I read The Obesity Code by Dr. Jason Fung and just so many things came together for me. I think it’s truly making a difference.

I’ve been working pretty diligently the last week and a half making adjustments to my meals and adding one of my favorite items to each meal or salad. They are the spicy western beans that come in a sauce that you can get in the canned food section. They add so much flavor, fiber, and the sauce makes a great dressing!

The Death of Mindless Eating

The Death of Mindless Eating

But what’s really exciting to me is I truly think this is the end of the mindless eating for me. I’m very comfortable now not having to eat two times a day. I’m very comfortable with the fact that I can say no to someone who is trying to encourage me to eat things that don’t work well with my system.

I’m getting better at refusing sugar. I’ve gotten rid of almost all sugars out of my diet except for about half a cup of sweetened tea to 30 ounces of water.

I really enjoy that tiny bit of tea flavor however, I know it’s got to go soon. So in its place, I have found some crystallized lime and crystallized orange that I can use in my water as needed.

Another thing that’s exciting to me is I can really feel my body changing this time. In the past eight days, I’ve lost 10 pounds. I did have a weakness where I ate some sweets that I should not have done.

That really threw me off the plan but I forgave myself, got right back in, and within two days the slight weight gain was gone. I am still losing and that is exciting to me!

It’s incredible how much your body reacts when you remove something like the sugar and add it back in. But I am really embracing the changes. I’m satisfied and full and I don’t really miss the food.

A friend of mine is on a different plan and she eats 5 to 6 times a day and I just can’t do that. Intermittent fasting really helps me not focus on food. I don’t think about it because my body is getting everything it needs.

I don’t have hunger pains. I’m just completely satisfied and thrilled to say that I think I’m over the mindless eating. It no longer has its claws in me and I’m happy about that

I highly suggest you read that book. It will change your thinking in your life if you let it.

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