Shore House Slumming by Carli Palmer

Every once in a while I love to curl up with a good contemporary chick lit book and I was asked to review a new release by relatively new author named Carli Palmer. With it being summer time this book seems to be the perfect one for those lazy afternoons. I was excited to dive into this new release. Here are my thoughts.

Shore House Slumming by Carli Palmer

Shore House Slumming by Carli Palmer
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1 edition (June 23, 2016)
ISBN-13: 978-1530515660

Working as an editor in Seattle, Dana Kline led a happy life. She had great friends, a career she adored, and her health couldn’t be better. But everything about it was mundane and safe. EVERYTHING. No gamble would have made her change her ways, so life was going to change it for her.

After an unexpected release from her job and then finding out that she would become practically homeless for the summer, Dana gathered her courage and found herself ready to try a new life in Florida. The only problem was getting herself across the nation on a tight budget, hardly any connections, and an unadventurous self.

After many stops along both coast lines Dana finds out that it’s okay to let her hair down, meet new people, and try new escapades. Just as long as her sanity doesn’t fly away with the seagulls.

My Thoughts on Shore House Slumming by Carli Palmer

I love indie authors and I try to support them as much as possible. There are good things and not so great things about reading an indie author story. The good thing is that there are great writers out there and if you happen upon one, then it’s a treat. The bad thing is that sometimes the best money spent by an author is on a really good editor.

This book has a great premise but, unfortunately, when it gets down to brass tacks, the storytelling proportion of it is not as good as it could have been.

The author told the story in a very one-dimensional way. It seemed like someone was just droning on about their adventures over the summer without any excitement or dimension to it, even though there was plenty going on. There was no anticipation, no passion to the story. Instead it was just a girl going from house to house and crashing during the summer along with all of the issues she endured. I think that if the author would have spiced it up and threw in a romance or two, it could’ve really made the difference. Or just expanded on the drama already occurring and really pumped it up. As it is, the writing came off very lackluster and boring for me.

With that being said, I think that the story itself is has a lot of potential and a good editor can help in a lot of ways especially with typos that are in here as well as structuring some of the sentences. Plus, adding a bit more to the story would really pump this book from just OK to a really great story.

Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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