One thing I am well aware of is the fact that my eating habits are not the best. Especially lately. Plus with my system all whacked out from menopause, I’m am going nuts.
I’m trying to recuperate from the holiday break where I ate like crap. I really need to try to take control of my life when it comes to eating and I just struggle every day.
One thing I do well, however, is to make sure that I get enough vitamins and greens in my life. There are three different types of vitamin packed foods that I use on a regular basis. I’ve shared two of them with you so far and now I’m about to share the third.
My Must Have Vitamin Supplements
The first one is my Country Farms Super Greens. Cannot live without that.
The second one is the Arbonne pea based Protein Shake. That is packed with vitamins and minerals as well as protein which my body really needs.
The third one is a brand new vitamin I added a few months ago. I love this one because it contains so many additional items that my other products did not include.
Made by Supplements Studio, (affiliate link) Whole Food Multivitamin Plus contains three strains of probiotics, 25 vitamins and minerals, organic fruits and vegs, CoQ10 which is great for the heart, Omega-3 and Omega-3, and Turmeric, which is a wonderful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.
They are in a easy to swallow capsule. Sometimes I’ll take them in the afternoon or evening before bed instead of in the morning with my other greens. I find these on Amazon and they are very highly rated, of which I fully concur.
I feel great, and yes, I do take a combination of these products every day. Sometimes I don’t use the protein shake daily but I do my greens and these multivitamins every day.
It does make me feel better to know that even if I’m eating poorly, my body still is getting some nutrients and that is a very good thing for me. Plus, I can really tell if I skip a few days.
Do you use vitamins on a regular basis? I know that our nutrition and nutrients in food has changed so much in the past years. The food that comes out of the ground does not have the same nutrition that it used to. So I find my body needs to supplement. But other folks are different.
What do you use to supplement your diet, or do you?
Disclaimer: I sometimes recommend products that I believe in. This post includes an affiliate link where I will make a small portion of income for a purchase made by clicking through the link.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.