Mansplainer by Avery Flynn: Review

Mansplainer by Avery Flynn cover

Avery Flynn is an author that writes fun and sexy contemporary romance. I always enjoy the heck out of her stories.

They’re unique and quirky and leave you with a smile on your face. She has a brand new story coming out this month and I’m so excited to share my thoughts about it with you. Continue on below.

Mansplainer by Avery Flynn
Publisher : ‎ Entangled: Amara
Publication date : ‎ June 27, 2022
ISBN-13 : ‎ 979-8835428281

Mansplainer by Avery Flynn cover

As the only Beckett cousin who is still unattached, I’m a shoo-in to win the bet with my cousins to be the last man blissfully not in love by Christmas. Of course, I know they’re still going to make me follow the rules of our bet and go on six dates with the same woman—but I’ve figured out a way out of that too. I’m getting married. Is it love? Not even close. Chelle Finch needs a temporary husband and I need to win this bet. We agree to put a ring on it knowing that in six months this marriage of convenience will end in divorce. Except, somehow dating my wife has me realizing that I don’t ever want to take this ring off if it means losing her.

What does the guy who can talk his way out of anything have to do to sweet talk his temporary wife into forever?

Mansplainer by Avery Flynn Review

I think it’s great to be able to read a story that has you smiling and really enjoying the entire book.

While the story has a familiar overall theme, Flynn has totally turned it on its head and brought us a story that is unique, fun, and charming.

Delightful twist between an older woman and a younger man, we get a different flavor of how he takes care of her. But in return, she’s also helping him become a better man in many aspects.

I really loved Beckett. He was super caring and sweet; nonjudgmental and sexy as sin.

Chelle was humorous, stressed, and a little odd, but a beautiful balance for him. One thing I did not care about her and that is how she was depicted in the book.

While I absolutely have no issue with a “curvy“ woman, being one myself, all of the depictions of her took almost a negative connotation. She was described as having fat rolls, pillowy boobs (God, I hate that Terminology), thick thighs, and many other derogatory descriptions.

If people are going to write about women being fat or “large“, why do we have to read detailed descriptions that become a descriptor of the story? Why can’t someone just be big? Or curvy, if you like that better. Needless to say, it bugged me. I really wish that would leave romance books. If you want to write about a big beautiful woman then just leave it as such.

But did I enjoy the book? Heck, yes!!!!!!!! This story is fun and full of heat, and honestly, Beck was a dreamboat! Once you got past the mansplaining… he was awesome! Flynn crafted a delightful, sexy romp full of creativity and laughs.

Discounted due to the fat descriptions. Sorry not sorry

Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free ebook so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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