Last Ride to Graceland by Kim Wright

I think everyone has a few secrets in their past that no one really knows about. I know that I do. So when it comes to reading a book about the secrets in your parents past it seems quite intriguing. That is the premise of this new book by Kim Wright called Last Rode to Graceland. I was pleased to be able to review it

Last Ride to Graceland by Kim Wright | A Midlife Wife

Last Ride to Graceland by Kim Wright
Publisher: Gallery Books (May 24, 2016)
ISBN-13: 978-1501100789

Blues musician Cory Ainsworth is barely scraping by after her mother’s death when she discovers a priceless piece of rock ‘n’ roll memorabilia hidden away in a shed out back of the family’s coastal South Carolina home: Elvis Presley’s Stutz Blackhawk, its interior a time capsule of the singer’s last day on earth.

A backup singer for the King, Cory’s mother Honey was at Graceland the day Elvis died. She quickly returned home to Beaufort and married her high school sweetheart. Yearning to uncover the secrets of her mother’s past—and possibly her own identity—Cory decides to drive the car back to Memphis and turn it over to Elvis’s estate, retracing the exact route her mother took thirty-seven years earlier.

As she winds her way through the sprawling deep south with its quaint towns and long stretches of open road, the burning question in Cory’s mind—who is my father?—takes a backseat to the truth she learns about her complicated mother, the minister’s daughter who spent a lifetime struggling to conceal the consequences of a single year of rebellion.

My Thoughts on Last Ride to Graceland by Kim Wright

Sometimes there are things in the past that have been buried for a reason. When it comes to our parents, do we really know everything there is to know about them? Author Kim Wright has created a fresh and original road trip down memory lane that involves not only the main characters mother but also Elvis. Who could resist a cool book like that?

The author take some literary license and a lot of history about Elvis and crafts a delightful story that is told from two points of view – the mothers, from 40 years ago and her daughter’s, from today.

When Cory finds a unique and cool car on her parents property that she suspects belongs to none other than Elvis, she knows she has to follow in her mother’s footsteps and return the vehicle to Graceland. What she doesn’t realize is that her walk down memory lane will teach her not only something about herself but her mom and who she really was too.

With a unique concept like this, the author has developed a lighthearted read that is perfect in so many ways. As we meander through the southern states and everything with that southern feel to it, I actually found myself reading with a southern twang that I used to have when I lived in the south. LoL! It was a humorous way for me to enjoy this book thoroughly!

The author has a beautiful talent to create in your mind a free spirited, fun-loving and somewhat humorous road trip that begs to be enjoyed curled up in your comfy chair, but even better, on a road trip of your own. It reminds you to take the road less traveled and be open to anything.

With memorable characters and a look at the deep South in its truest fashion, Last Ride to Graceland by Kim Wright will spark something in you that won’t soon be forgotten. A fast yet engrossing read any contemporary fiction reader will enjoy immensely.

Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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