For women of a certain age the closer we get to menopause the more your skin, hair, and nails are changing. One of the biggest changes our body goes through is the reduction in estrogen. Estrogen helps our skin stay healthy and moist as well as keeps our collagen production in check.
Collagen works on our smoothing our skin, strenghtens muscles, ligaments and other critical areas of the body. But these two important players don’t stay with us forever!
Many women watched what their mom’s went through as they proceeded through the change. With my mom, she had big mood swings and small things would make her snap. My mother-in-law had hot flashes for years, well into her 70’s, until she passed away.
I never understood what menopause would do to a woman physically. Besides weight gain, skin dryness is one of my biggest issues, for now anyway. So I thought I would do some research and find out what we can do to help combat the dry skin issue. Here is what I found out.
How to Treat Dry Skin Due to Menopause
- One of the first things I did many years ago was stop using soap on my face. It is very drying and harsh to your skin. The soap I do use on the rest of my body is high in moisturizers.
- Make sure you do not use overly hot showers or baths. Hot water can strip the moisture in your skin.
- Exfoliate a few times a week. Sugar based products will scrub away the dead skin to make way to the healthy, new cells below.
- Moisturize often with oils. There are many lotions that are oil based that you can use to help fight the dryness. You can even use pure coconut oil or olive oil with good results. Hands, face, and body love an oil based cream or lotion.
- Increase the good fats in your diet. Look to Omega-3’s to help boost the oils in your body. Salmon, walnuts, flaxseeds, sardines and even a supplement will help increase the oil in your body which aids in keeping your ksin hydrated.
- Outside factors can hurt us too. Sun, alcohol, and tobacco products will dry out the skin quickly. Reduce these factors and use organic sunscreen whenever you go out.
I also think that adding plenty of water to our diet will help although there are varying research results on this. Also be careful of masks and other drying beauty products. They can strip too many oils from your face.
Hopefully these tips will help you. I have long been a fan of collagen supplements and have missed them lately. Plus, a few years ago I found some face oils that I loved. Both of these I will be adding back into my regimen to help my skin dryness.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.