It almost seems like a mantra. Drink your water. Drink the water. Feeling ill? Drink more water. Want soft supple skin? Drink more water.
We already know that our body is made up primarily of water. We have to have a lot of water to function properly. That doesn’t mean soda pop, sweet tea, sports drinks, or other beverages that we enjoy. We need pure, fresh water on a daily basis.
Both our physical health and our mental health can be affected by not having enough water. And we usually need more water than what is daily recommended, 8 – 8 ounce glasses or 64 ounces for an adult and older teen.
Do you ever experience the following symptoms?
How to Tell If You Are Dehydrated and Tips to Stay Hydrated
Symptoms of Dehydration
• Unnaturally dry skin
• Few tears when you cry
• Fever
• Muscle cramps
• Feeling tired all the time
• Bags under your eyes
• Headaches
• Dizziness
• Rapid breathing or heartbeat
• Dry, sticky mouth
• You are thirsty all the time
These symptoms are just some of the common signs of dehydration in adults and older teenagers. They can range from mild to severe. Being dehydrated can also affect your cholesterol levels, cause liver and joint damage, cause weak muscles, kidney stones and constipation also can be affected.
If you are exerting yourself physically on a daily basis, you must re-hydrate often.
What Causes Dehydration?
Some causes of dehydration make a lot of sense, like intense physical activity. You sweat out a lot of the water in your body, and if you do not replace that liquid, you can become dehydrated. Here are a few more reasons your body may not be properly hydrated.
• Diabetes
• Diarrhea
• Vomiting
• Alcohol poisoning
• Food-borne illnesses
• Frequent urination
• Side effects of medicine
• Not drinking enough to begin with
When you have diarrhea, your body does not properly absorb water from the foods you eat. This is the most common cause of dehydration. Blood pressure medications and antihistamines can also create a lack of hydration in some people.
How to Stay Properly Hydrated
So how do you stay properly hydrated? You may think you drink enough water each day but it could also be adrenal fatigue. If you drink the recommended amount and still have issues, get it checked.
Make sure you are drinking at least 64 ounces each day, and even more if you sweat profusely or exert yourself for long periods during the day. This means carrying water with you everywhere. Refill your bottle often and make sure you’re counting how much you drink. Soon it will become a habit and you will actually miss not having enough on some days.
So do yourself a favor and buy a reusable bottle to take with you everywhere you go. Hydrate often and start increasing your water consumption and just see how many of these dehydration symptoms actually go away. I think you’ll be surprised.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.