My Experience with Redmond Re-Lyte Electrolytes

Redmond Re-Lyte Electrolytes

So I have to tell you the story that cemented my belief in adding the proper salts and minerals to your diet.

I shared with you a couple months ago about adding Redmond electrolytes to my daily regimen. It has completely taken away my sugar cravings, caffeine cravings, and it really does energize you in the morning.

I can feel my brain just waking up and be able to function without that hazy feeling. I’ve never been a big coffee drinker in the morning, which is a good thing, but I’ve been known to drink a whole heck of a lot of Diet Coke and diet Dr Pepper. But those days are few and far between anymore.

ingredients for Redmond Re-Lyte Electrolytes

Redmond Re-Lyte Electrolytes Make a Huge Difference

So I was at work the other day and one of the women I work with was telling me that she has been having health issues and was diagnosed with something called POTS. I’m not sure of the exact definition but I know it has to do with the heart functioning properly and the fact that when she would stand up she would get dizzy.

I immediately said “girl, you are low on potassium, magnesium, and you need salt.” I said, “I have some thing that is probably going to help you.” So I went upstairs and got my water bottle and gave her a half a glass of my water with the Redmond in it.

I went back to work and didn’t see her until the next day. As soon as I walked in the door, she said, “oh my God. That stuff is amazing.” She said she felt good all afternoon until it started wearing off since I had only given her about 4 to 6 ounces. But what a difference she felt immediately.

I had also brought in two servings of the salts so she could use them that day and get her order placed. But she was totally amazed at the difference in how she feels. The Redmond Electrolytes are a total game changer, especially for her.

For me, I feel good taking it. It tastes wonderful and because I’ve been giving out my stuff for people to try, I actually ran out the other day and had to wait to get my order. I was sad. Nothing could really take its place and I honestly missed it. Upped my subscription so that wouldn’t happen again!

Get a Discount

If you would like to try it, I do have a five dollar off coupon that I can share with you.

If you feel there’s something missing from your diet, there probably is. Minerals are one of those things that we don’t think about, but like my friend, you may be bottomed out.

If you’re having strange heart issues or palpitations, I challenge you to do some research into salts; Celtic real salt, not table salt. Also research potassium and magnesium deficiencies. I think you’ll be surprised.

Also, if you are on any type of restrictive eating plan, like keto or carnivore, you probably need these!

Off my soapbox now.

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