As you move past the magical 50-year mark, your physical abilities begin to decline more rapidly. But if you try to exercise as you did 20 or 30 years ago, you are probably asking for trouble.
However, research in recent years has shown that smart exercise, combined with a proper diet and constantly challenging your mind, can lead to levels of exceptional physical fitness in individuals well into their 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.
Check out a few smart ideas to help put into practice active exercises for those in their golden years to enjoy a full, happy and healthy senior status and lifestyle.
Smart Exercise Ideas for Seniors
Go Googling for Ideas
Technology might not be your forte, but the Internet is a treasure trove of fitness advice for any and every age. Type “Fitness Tips for Seniors” into Google, or some other search engine. Replace “seniors” with “baby boomers”, “people over 60”, or some other descriptive term that applies to your age.
Do a little web surfing and start working on a few tips that make sense to you and your current level of fitness. Dancing, stretching, yoga, and even chair yoga is a great start.
Just Keep Moving
The reason why an exercise like yoga, Pilates, lifting weights, and walking keep you fit and trim is because of what happens when you move. When you are not stationary, sitting motionless for hours, your metabolic process speeds up. You burn more calories when you are active than when you are reclining on the couch watching your favorite reality show.
A 1-mile walk burns about 100 calories. So take a jaunt around your block a few times a day. Stroll downtown or along the beach. Playing with the grandkids is also a great way to create special memories, while also getting your heart rate up and enjoying cardiovascular benefits.
Stand instead of sitting, and move instead of staying inactive. Your physical health and mental sharpness will both benefit from improved oxygen flow throughout the body.
Make Exercising Social
Horseshoes, bocce ball, shuffleboard, and badminton are all forms of physical activity where your health will benefit. They are also very social activities, meaning that your mind gets a boost as well.
Join a local activities group for like-minded individuals your age, or begin one yourself if there are none available in your area. Beneficial exercise can be as simple as walking in your local mall with a few friends, going on a community-organized bike ride, or socializing during a fun game of croquet.
Hit the Pool
Performing cardiovascular-enhancing and muscle-building exercises in a swimming pool are smart for a lot of reasons. The buoyancy of the water removes stress on your joints and muscles. And your chances of falling are also drastically reduced.
Local organizations in most major cities provide some type of pool-based exercise program for folks over 50+. As a side benefit, this is a great way to get out and meet other active people your age too.
Everyone wants to enjoy a fruitful active life. What can you do today to just start moving?

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.