Keeping yourself motivated when you have a big goal can certainly be a challenge. Imagine having a to-do list of pressures that you’ve put on yourself – that’s basically what your goal can feel like. You know you have to do it, but sometimes it is just a lot.
I have a big health goal and I need some motivation too! Let’s look at some quick ways to make sure you stay on track and motivated to meet your big goal, whether it is fitness, eating plan changes, or weight loss, we need a kick sometimes!
How to Stay Motivated to Meet Your Health Goals
1. Give yourself incentives
You should be thinking about this when you’re making the goals. How will you benefit once the goal is completed? Will you get more than just a sense of achievement?
For big goals, break them into pieces that are achievable. For goals that require an extra push, promise yourself a new piece of clothing, a massage, or a spa day at certain goal timeframes.
2. Talk to others
Discuss your goals with other people if you feel comfortable doing so. People make goals every year, so you’re bound to know somebody you could talk to about them. It could give you inspiration, and you could get some useful tips from them on how they manage to complete their goals or how they maintain motivation.
3. Don’t see your goals in isolation
Those who view their goals in isolation are often less likely to meet them. Rather than viewing your weight loss goal as just a number or another goal, think about other goals you have and the ways it ties into them.
For example, you may have a goal to increase your overall health, or you might want to fit back into a certain piece of clothing. Losing weight will help you to meet those goals, as well as potentially increase your confidence to complete different goals.
4. Give yourself a break
Life shouldn’t be all about targets and meeting your goals, whether they are personal or work-related. Take some time to give yourself a break every now and then.
Set time aside to reflect. Many people take one day a week to relax from fitness goals or allow for one cheat meal. Encourage yourself and be proud of every change you are seeing.
Small steps allow for big changes and reaching those goals. We can do this, one day and more meal at a time!

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.