Okay, no more excuses! I know I should be walking more. Chances are you should be too. We have heard about the deadly dangers of simply sitting. So why don’t you walk enough today? The reasons are many.
Technology, laziness, busy schedules, and a number of other causes have led to a very sedentary society. You understand the wonderful heart and overall health benefits of walking. So start practicing the following 5 tips with me to keep you on the move and you will find yourself walking your way to a healthier lifestyle.
5 Easy Ways to Increase the Amount of Walking Each Day
Get Your Desire Involved
Find a picture of yourself when you were in great shape. If you don’t have such a picture, locate a picture of someone who looks like you want to look. Keep that picture with you at all times, referring to it often when you catch yourself not walking enough.
Every time you look at that picture, tell yourself that is the way you want to look. This can easily keep you motivated and walking your way to the weight and shape you desire.
Keep a Log
You have probably heard about the “10,000 steps a day” path to better health. One easy way to find out if you are walking enough is to actually keep track of that information. Log how much time you spend walking each day, each week, and each month. Consistently push yourself to increase those daily, weekly, and monthly totals.
Use a pedometer or tracking app to help you. Take screenshots to help motivate you. Track it in a calendar. Find a way to self-motivate.
Ditch the Car for Short Trips
This is a no-brainer way to walk more and become healthier. Walking instead of driving also delivers the added bonus of fresh air and sunshine, getting you out in nature. Whenever you can, stash the car keys and walk to your destination instead of driving.
Join a Club of Like-Minded People
When you are sitting on your couch or computer chair complaining about your level of fitness, you don’t accomplish much. However, when you hang out with other people that are also trying to walk more and get in shape, it is suddenly easier to get up and get moving.
Join a hiking or walking club and you may experience the added benefit of meeting some wonderful new friends.
Pull the Plug
Pull the plug on your television set. Cancel your cable or satellite subscription. Some of us spend entirely too much time staring at our televisions. Time is not guaranteed to anyone. Use that time to kick yourself outside and take a walk!
My TV is already off! How about yours?
Let’s make a pact to get healthier, get fitter together this year! Who is in??

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.