I was thinking the other day about calories. There’s so many different eating plans for weight loss that are out there but it’s really up to us to figure out what works best for our body. Many of them are based on calories.
I don’t think we think about what a calorie actually is and how it affects our body while we’re trying to lose weight. Many of us struggle to lose a half a pound a week which equals 2 pounds a month. Many doctors say that is great weight loss amount, but we all want it to be faster. Plus, we know it can really be a frustrating thing for a body let go of the weight.
Here’s a few things that I am thinking about and that have really kind of sunk into my brain over the past few weeks.
Thoughts About Weight Loss and Calories
We all know that a calorie is a measure of food. But what I think we forget is that it’s 3500 cal that equals 1 pound of fat that must be burned. So even if we reduce our calorie intake by 500 cal a day, that equates to about 1 pound a week. Just by lessening our food 500 cal a day.
That doesn’t sound like a lot of calories, but it really can be if you don’t eat enough of the right foods. That’s where the frustration comes in. Which means we need to start burning calories as well as eating less calories which will help the weight loss a little bit more.
But we also have to understand that we’re can be gaining muscle when we exercise, which could actually slow your weight loss because muscle weighs more than fat. So it’s a delicate balancing act that’s so frustrating for women and men who are trying to lose weight.
Fiber and Fasting Helps!
One of the things that I have found with the plan that I’m currently using, which includes longer fasting between meals and eating usually once a day (sometimes twice), is the fact that my meals are full of fiber. That has greatly reduced my calorie count and my inflammation in my body – the intermittent fasting works on inflammation. And that’s why I’m losing weight at a decent rate.
I don’t have to count calories as I eat mainly veggies with high fats and proteins. But it’s also not uncommon for someone to use longer fasting periods to burn more calories. That is due to the fact the longer fasts force your body to burn the fat than it already has because no other fat is coming in at the moment.
3500 Calories to Lose 1 Lb
I’m not sure of the direction this post was supposed to take other than the fact that 3500 cal is a lot of calories to affect a 1 pound loss of weight. If you cut that in half that’s 1800 cal a day reduction to lose say 2 – 2 1/2 pounds a week. That’s a lot of calories to cut. Plus to make sure you are not eat too few calories which will make you hold on to your weight.
Maybe this post is for me to say don’t get frustrated.
People lose weight in different manners. Focus on lower carb, high protein, high fat – good fats, and tons of fiber. Don’t forget, water is critical.
I can honestly say I have less inflammation in my body right now, even though I’ve only lost about 38 pounds, than I have had in years and years. It’s the type of food and when I eat that has made the most impact.
Hang in there, be kind to yourself, listen to your body, and put together a plan that works best for you. Be selfish if you have to. It is worth it!

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.