The Struggle With Sugar Addiction

The Struggle With Sugar Addiction

If you have ever taken the time to read labels on the back of any food product then I’m sure you know how much sugar is hidden in the foods that we eat. Sugar has so many addictive qualities to it and it’s just so hard to beat.

So I have been struggling with sugar over the last month. I’m not diabetic. My sugar levels are extremely good because of the plan that I eat. However, once I get on a roll with anything with added sugar, I feel like I’m on crack. LOL

The Struggle With Sugar Addiction

The Struggle With Sugar Addiction

I was just realizing today how much I struggle with it. One of my favorite treats is having a cup of coffee with a packet of Swiss Miss Milk Chocolate Hot Cocoa with my meal. While it doesn’t have any additives, it does have a lot of sugar.

That sugar just kicks off additional cravings for sugar which I usually don’t give into. However, this weekend and the last few weeks really I’ve had a tough time controlling the cravings. I had a lot of sugar yesterday and today; I’m sooo not proud of that. It’s really thrown me for a loop.

One of the things eating sugar does is it stalls me on my weightloss. I’ve looked back at the last few months and I’ve just been losing and gaining the same 2 pounds over and over and over. I’ve really made no progress and that really makes me angry.

I have no problem eating one meal a day. I have no problem enjoying my salad every day. But it’s the sugar that is holding me back! It’s just so destructive to our bodies and I know that.

They’ve shown that the sugar in our foods makes us age early, has shot diabetes through the roof, especially in children. It makes us fat! – especially from fast food and rich coffees. Hello, we figured that one out. But kicking it is just insane.

So that’s on my agenda for this week. I’m saying goodbye to my favorite coffee and just trying to really focus on losing this weight. I want to lose at least another 25 to 30 pounds before Memorial Day.

That’s my goal. I’m putting it out here!

How about you? Do you struggle with sugar addiction? How are you controlling it?

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