Tasty Buckwheat Pancakes with Pereg Buckwheat Flour + Recipe

Enjoying Buckwheat Pancakes with Pereg Buckwheat Flour + Recipe

product received for review consideration

One of the reasons I went low carb five years ago or so was because of the reactions I was getting from my body when I would eat certain items. Certain breads, certain flours, would really upset my digestive system.

So I decided to cut a lot of carbs out of my diet. Every so often I do have carbs. I am obviously not perfect in my diet. However, I find the more complex the curb is, the better I can tolerate it.

I’ve heard about buckwheat flour before but I never really ate it. I was offered a sample and thought I would give it a try, just to see how my body processed it.

Tasty Buckwheat Pancakes with Pereg Buckwheat Flour + Recipe

Enjoying Buckwheat Pancakes with Pereg Buckwheat Flour + Recipe

Pereg Natural Foods has a buckwheat multipurpose flour that is a beautiful fine grind. Naturally I wanted to make pancakes with it. I’ve always heard about buckwheat pancakes so I found a great buckwheat pancake recipe on allrecipes.com that I have linked here and these made the best pancakes I’ve ever tasted.

Enjoying Buckwheat Pancakes with Pereg Buckwheat Flour + Recipe

They were light and taste great. My stomach did not even flinch. Unlike pancakes made with regular flour or a mix, sometimes you get that heavy feeling. Not with this buckwheat flour. These pancakes were not heavy in the least. Easy to make and very tasty. Yumm. And the color was beautiful too!

The buckwheat multi-purpose flour by Pereg is vegan, gluten-free, made in the USA, and non-GMO. I love the color of the pancakes too. While we may be restricted a little bit to what we make with them because of the color, I now know that I can tolerate this type of flour with no issue.

Check out the other natural and alternative products that are vegan, kosher, and gluten-free. Plus their great recipe ideas, like this Buckwheat Granola. Sounds delicious!!

Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free bag so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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