My metabolism is horrible! But why wouldn’t it be as I have been on some type of diet since I was 18 years old. That is a lot of yo-yo-ing. And now, after menopause… ugh!
Some people say that there are specific vitamins and minerals that can help you boost your metabolism again. Our metabolism – the rate at which you burn calories – requires certain chemicals for it to function at a high rate.
Let’s look at 4 of the more important ones:
4 Vitamins That Can Help Boost Your Metabolism
1) B-Complex
This group of vitamins is responsible for helping break down carbohydrates, fats, and protein into energy the body can use. In particular, B-1 breaks down carbohydrates and fats; B-5 works on fatty acids; B-6 takes care of breaking down protein; B-12 also helps break down carbohydrates and protein along with producing red blood cells; B-2 helps move energy to the cells where it can be used by muscles and organs.
2) Coenzyme Q10
CoQ10 as it is commonly called increases the production of energy within a cell’s mitochondria. Specifically, CoQ10 increases the amount of oxygen available to cells. This boost in energy translates to more endurance as it not only enhances the strength of muscles while exercising but also increases their efficiency or the level at which they work.
3) Creatine
Creatine is found in animal products and is used by muscles to store energy. However, if you are a vegetarian or don’t eat enough animal products, you can suffer from too low a level. Studies have shown that creatine in the proper amount can improve muscle strength by 15 percent.
This increase in strength can also translate into weight loss as proven by an article in the “Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research”. They found that weight-training with creatine supplementation resulted in more weight loss without the supplementation.
4) Iron
Not a real fancy name as in the other three, but it is just as important. Iron carries oxygen to your muscles so they can burn fat. Think of how a fire burns. Without oxygen, it smolders but doesn’t burn. Add oxygen and it instantly flares up and burns hot.
Your body is the same way. If deficient in iron, you’ll feel sluggish. Your aerobic capacity and physical endurance will be greatly reduced. So how do you get enough iron naturally? By eating shellfish, lean meats, beans, and spinach. Vegetarians can increase their iron supply from tofu.
It is easy to see how they all work together:
1. The B-complex breaks down food.
2. CoQ10 helps the mitochondria in cells convert it into energy.
3. Cretaine helps the cells store energy.
4. Iron provides the oxygen cells need in order to produce energy.
I have always been good at supplementing by foods but now more than ever it is so important. I can tell if I miss a day or two for some reason. Plus if it helps me boost my metabolism but even a smidgin, I’m in!

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.