Exercising at home can be just as costly as joining a gym, depending on what you do. You have to buy workout equipment, weights, and floor mats. You also need to have enough room to work out. That is why so many fitness fanatics simply pay a monthly or yearly fee to use the equipment at the local gymnasium or health club.
Unfortunately, that can mean waiting in line for the machine you want to use. It also requires travel time for you to make it to your gym. Then there is the issue of aggressive gym members or staff making your workout anything but enjoyable.
Guess what? If you have a staircase in your home, you can enjoy a serious strength training and cardio workout, without leaving your house.
A recent search for “home stair workout ideas” on Google video search returned 138,000 results. This means you can watch others workout on their home staircases to give you some ideas about how to use your stairs for exercise.
To get you started, here are 4 ideas you can use to slowly break in your new workout.
4 Stair Workout Ideas for the Home
1. Run in Place
The easiest way to start is to simply use the bottom step in an up-and-down running-in-place workout.
Stand in front of the first step of your staircase. With feet about shoulder-width apart, step your left foot onto the first step. Then place your right foot onto the first step. Return your left foot back to the starting position, followed by your right.
Slowly increase the speed and repeat. Work up to a slow running speed, and go for 3 to 5 minutes.
2. Inclined Press
You are going to perform a push-up, but really crank up the muscle resistance. Once again, start at the bottom of your staircase. Place your feet toes down on your second step. This adds more resistance to a traditional push-up, since your feet are elevated. Place your hand’s palm down at the foot of your landing, and perform as many inclined push-ups as you can.
3. Leg Stretch
Stand at the bottom of your stairs. Keeping your left foot on the landing before your staircase, step up with your right foot and place it on the edge of the third step. Lean forward, bending your knee as much as possible. Pause, and return to the starting position. Perform 10 to 15 repetitions with each leg.
4. Lunge
Climb the stairs using the lunge motion. Start at the bottom step, place your right foot on the second step and lunge up to the stair pushing off with your left foot. Repeat moving up the staircase.
Ramp it up as you get fit, by skipping every other stair step, and stretch those legs out.
I will have more for you like this next week. Simple at-home workouts for no cost! Menoopause or not, older age or not, we can do this! 1 step at a time!
Let’s get fit!

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.