Exercise doesn’t just make you physically fit, it also makes you mentally fit. This is an overlooked benefit of exercise.
Everyone knows how exercise can make your waistline smaller; make your heart healthier, etc. But few people know just how crucial exercising is for your mental well-being too.
Likewise, just as there are certain exercises that you can use to target some parts of your body, there are certain kinds of exercises that you can use to target your mental health. Let’s look at three of the best exercises you can do almost anytime.
3 Best Types of Exercise for Mental Clarity
Aerobic exercises are designed to get your body moving and your heart pumping. A good aerobic workout will exercise a lot of different muscle groups and it will make you build up a sweat. That last part, in particular, is also why aerobics is good for your mental health.
Because aerobics encourages you to move around a lot and because it can be an intensive workout, it gets your blood moving. When your blood circulates faster, that means that your cells are getting more oxygen.
As anyone who has taken rudimentary biology can tell you, oxygen is what keeps all your cells (including the ones in your brain) healthy and functioning at peak performance. Not to mention the rush of endorphins that are proven to make you feel good! Aerobics is a great choice and easy to do too!
Yoga is great for your mental health for two distinct reasons. Firstly, much like aerobics, yoga gets you moving. It exercises a ton of different muscles in your body and gets your blood pumping (although admittedly, not as fast as aerobics would).
The second benefit of yoga is its calming, stress-reducing factor. Controlled breathing and mental relaxation are big parts of yoga and they have a very positive effect on your mental health. Controlled breathing will reduce stress and anxiety, which is very good for your mental health.
Walking is great for your mental health. Many people walk or run outdoors and studies show that outdoor exercise alone is good for your mood.
Not only does walking get your blood pumping and reduce stress, it also gives you the famous “runner’s high.” A runner’s high results in a flood of endorphins being released into your body. These endorphins not only help reduce stress levels, but they also help fight off mental illnesses like depression. In general, endorphins make you feel energized and better about yourself.
Plus, it is something you can do anytime you feel overwhelmed and stressed! Talking a walk or jog for even 10 minutes can change your outlook drastically.
Get Up and Move
I often tell my students to get up and move. Both for the physical activity, getting the blood flowing again, and to step away from electronics and the overwhelm of the day. Choose your favorite activity when you need to take a brain break and get that mental clarity you need now.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.