They say it takes 21 days or even up to three months to make a habit stick. I was in that habit with my eating plan for two years. And then it happened.
I got complacent. I got lax. Then all hell broke loose. The culprit? Laziness and Sugar.
I love sugar. I’m not one to lean towards sugar snacks necessarily. But when they are around, I feel almost compulsive to eat them. And when people gift sugar treats, I’m not good at moderation. Then I got lazy with my cooking.
The Truth About Relying on Eating Habits Alone
Relying on eating habits alone did not work for me. I thought I was in control. Then all of a sudden I wasn’t. I couldn’t work out enough to make a balance. Everything I was doing was crap.
Now I’m still struggling to regain my footing. It’s time to take control back again because I have to lose this weight. I have to do it permanently so I can feel good about myself. So tired of the constant struggle.
So how do I get control back? I’m still working on my plan but it may include the coach at this point. One good thing is other than the sugar, I am still eating mainly low-carb. Thank goodness! That gives me hope that I can do this with a solid plan in place.
I’ve talked to my hubby about what I need so hopefully together we can figure this out. I have no choice. I am so disappointed and mad at myself. But I know I can do it, yet again.
That is my truth and it sucks.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.