The Origin of a Species by John Perretti: About The Mixed Martial Arts

The Origin of a Species by John Perretti

I am around a lot of people who really enjoy fitness, both as a sport and as a way of life. I know there is so much to learn about the health aspects of the industry not to mention just how important fitness is for our health and longevity.

For those readers who love fitness and the history of the sport, this new release is written by the founder of the term Mixed Martial Arts. His memoir is full of fabulous history and tidbits I know you would enjoy.

The Origin of a Species by John Perretti
The Origin of a Species by John Perretti
And The Mixed Martial Arts
Publisher: (February 5, 2019)
ISBN-13: 978-0359347094

In his poetic and unexpected memoir, The Origin of a Species and The Mixed Martial Arts, John Perretti explores the overlaps between the fine and the martial arts as only he – the “Martist” – can. Experimental, literary, and wide-ranging, this book offers a rarely shared perspective on Mixed Martial Arts (M.M.A.) history as part of a much larger life story that takes the reader from John’s 1950’s and 1980’s upbringing in New York, to his time in the Hollywood stunt world, to big game hunting, blue water spearfishing, fighting around the world, surreal adventures in Peru, artistic musings on life and love, and so much more.

John Perretti first coined the term “Mixed Martial Arts.” He was a key player in the early years of MMA, creating the gloves, the rounds, the music, the weight classes and the talent by co-founding Extreme Fighting, The Contenders (Grappling in America,) and acting as the legendary UFC matchmaker/color commentator. He founded The Bas Rutten Invitational. (The first pro/am tournament.)

He is also a painter/sculptor who has taught at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) and the founder of “Madison Avenue Muscle Inc.,” his New York City Mega-gym, which changed the landscape of fitness in the 1980’s.

John is a prior pugilist, three sport world class athlete, fitness professional, painter, poet, actor, and now adds author to his extensive resume. He continues to dedicate himself to the largely unexplored territory between the fine and martial arts. John divides his time between his home now in Houston, Texas and Baja California. John Perretti is still doing “Knife on Knife” seminars with his partner, Edi Mufel world-wide.

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