The Lost and Found Girl by Maisey Yates

The Lost and Found Girl by Maisey Yates

It is simply amazing the number of books this author has written! I cannot say I have read them all, but I can say that the ones I have read have all been beautifully written and easy to devour!

I am excited to share with you a uniquely engrossing story that I was able to review coming out next month. Check out my thoughts below.

The Lost and Found Girl by Maisey Yates
Publisher ‏ : ‎ HQN; Original edition (July 26, 2022)
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1335503206

The Lost and Found Girl by Maisey Yates

Ruby McKee is a miracle. Found abandoned on a bridge as a newborn baby by the McKee sisters, she’s become the unofficial mascot of Pear Blossom, Oregon, a symbol of hope in the wake of a devastating loss. Ruby has lived a charmed life, and when she returns home after traveling abroad, she’s expecting to settle into that charm. But an encounter with the town’s black sheep makes her question the truth about her mysterious past.

Dahlia McKee knows it’s not right to resent Ruby for being special. But uncovering the truth about Ruby’s origins could allow Dahlia to carve her own place in Pear Blossom history.

Recently widowed Lydia McKee has enough on her plate without taking on Ruby’s quest for answers. Especially when her husband’s best friend, Chase, is beginning to become a complication she doesn’t want or need.

Marianne Martin is glad her youngest sister is back in town, but it’s hard to support Ruby’s crusade when her own life is imploding.

When the quest for the truth about Ruby’s origins uncovers a devastating secret, will the McKee sisters fall apart or band together?

The Lost and Found Girl by Maisey Yates Review

This story was so different and interesting. I am used to reading Yates’ cowboy romances so this one was a definite twist for me.

Yates weaves a story that is rich with emotion and intricacies. Subtle nuances in the details have you trying to read between the lines. You think you know what is going to happen but she manages to surprise you every time.

This is a sister story so we have the four main characters all fabulously different in their own right. Plus the family life, secrets to unfold, and futures to build. Yates manages to effortlessly blend it all together into a story that you will remember long after the cover is closed.

The Lost and Found Girl is a mixture of different genres to bring a lovely balance, high interests, and a definite un-putdownable story you have to read! Keep the tissues nearby. That ending was perfect!!


Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free ebook so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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