I’m lucky in that I still have my dad around. He’s 87 right now and will be 88 in a few months, God willing. He has a few problems popping up, but he is pretty darn healthy, for the most part.
Over the years, especially the last few years, I’ve been pretty amazed at how he pushes himself to keep on going. He has pretty bad neuropathy which in a lot of people would have sidelined them by now. However, he knows it’s important to keep moving.
One of the things that he’s been pretty diligent in his strength building in his legs using a stationary bike. And it’s also great cardio for him too.
It makes me realize that I have to get off of my ass and really start taking control of my health. I am really in a bad place right now.
However, I saw this meme the other day and it
A) cracked me up and
B) made me start thinking about which is better for middle life adults. I’ve been doing a bit of research.
Strength Building or Cardio for Over 50
All of the articles that I’ve been reading are showing that combination of both is exactly what we need. Not all cardio builds strength overall. And strength building does not greatly improve cardio results but it does add some.
So what can we do to blend the both and get the best results?
These are the top exercises and activities we should be doing.
- Swimming
- Resistance band training
- Walking
- Yoga and Tai-chi
- Pilates
- Cycling
- Dancing
- Weight training
These are recommended the most in all of the articles I read. I can attest to how well swimming, resistance bands, and weight training works for your stamina and energy. I really do miss it! Especially how I felt!
I need to start scheduling myself and planning out a routine again. I think that’s what I’m missing.
What are your thoughts on cardio versus strength for mature adults?

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.