I picked up this book on a whim. I’ve actually thought about reviewing it several times and then I had others came in so I didn’t accept the review right away.
When I went back through my emails and read the synopsis again, it sounded interesting and different and I am so glad that I agreed to review this book. It was exactly what I thought it was – interesting and different. Here are my thoughts.
Mr Nice Guy by Jennifer Miller; Jason Feifer
Publisher: St. Martin’s Griffin (October 16, 2018)
ISBN-13: 978-1250189882
Lucas Callahan, a man who gave up his law degree, fiancée and small-town future for a shot at making it in the Big Apple. He snags an entry-level job at Empire magazine, believing it’s only a matter of time before he becomes a famous writer. And then late one night in a downtown bar he meets a gorgeous brunette who takes him home…
Carmen Kelly wanted to be a hard-hitting journalist, only to find herself cast in the role of Empire’s sex columnist thanks to the boys’ club mentality of Manhattan magazines. Her latest piece is about an unfortunate―and unsatisfying―encounter with an awkward and nerdy guy, who was nice enough to look at but horribly inexperienced in bed.
Lucas only discovers that he’s slept with the infamous Carmen Kelly―that is, his own magazine’s sex columnist!―when he reads her printed take-down. Humiliated and furious, he pens a rebuttal and signs it, “Nice Guy.” Empire publishes it, and the pair of columns go viral. Readers demand more. So the magazine makes an arrangement: Each week, Carmen and Lucas will sleep together… and write dueling accounts of their sexual exploits.
It’s the most provocative sexual relationship any couple has had, but the columnist-lovers are soon engaging in more than a war of words: They become seduced by the city’s rich and powerful, tempted by fame, and more attracted to each other than they’re willing to admit. In the end, they will have to choose between ambition, love, and the consequences of total honesty.
Mr Nice Guy by Jennifer Miller; Jason Feifer
This book. This book has me in a bit of a quandary. It’s not whether I liked or disliked story because I absolutely did like it. But what has me tied up as I’m not sure how to express my feelings.
I guess I’ll start at the beginning. One of my first conscious thoughts was that this so much like Sex and the City in many ways. You have Journalists – You have a new guy to the city, bright eyed and bushytailed, but yet so naïve. And then you have sex columnist who writes about her adventures in New York City.
And when they are thrown together, it is funny, quirky, with some really off-the-wall sexy scenarios that just keep you turning those pages for some reason. The further I got into the book, the more I’ve really started enjoying it.
The author team really had their work cut out for them. The topic is so unique and interesting. The characters are inventive and fresh. The topic is classic sexist big boys club with a twist of desperately seeking success. Lucas really was a nice guy, for the most part, and it was very refreshing to read much of the book from a male perspective.
The authors also kept us on our toes with a wacky editor that carried some big secrets in an empire that seemed too good to be true. In the end, everyone was just looking for a way to be happy and employed.
When I first started this book, I wasn’t sure what was coming and it was a bit slow. By a quarter of the way into the story, I knew I was in for the long-haul. This story is super engaging with Carmen and Lucas just end up enduring themselves to me. Plus, there were plenty of twists that kept is real and interesting too!
Mr. Nice Guy is a unique book that is filled with a tale of sexual exploits, growing up, wising up, learning how big business really works, and the realization that you still can be a nice person and succeed in the city. A well thought out, entertaining novel of living life out loud, whether you wanted to or not.
Disclaimer:Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free ebook so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.