I first heard of Katy Bowman a few years ago when I reviewed the book she wrote Whole Body Barefoot. The past few months I was having a terrible time with my sciatica and a friend of mine sent me Katy’s other book, Move Your DNA because of the exercises that the author included in this book. As I started flipping through the book, I knew had to share a review on this for you.
Move Your DNA: Restore Your Health Through Natural Movement by Katy Bowman
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: Propriometrics Press; 1 edition (October 15, 2014)
ISBN-13: 978-0989653947
Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman explains the science behind our need for natural movement – right down to the cellular level. It examines the differences between the movements in a typical hunter – gatherer’s life and the movements in our own. It shows the many problems with using exercise like movement vitamins instead of addressing the deeper issue of a poor movement diet.
Best of all, Move Your DNA contains the corrective exercises, habit modifications, and simple lifestyle changes we need to make in order to free ourselves from disease and discover our naturally healthy, reflex driven selves.
From couch potatoes to professional athletes, new parents to seniors, readers will love Katy’s humorous, passionate, and above all science based guide to restoring your body and reclaiming your life.
My Thoughts on Move Your DNA By Katy Bowman
Move Your DNA is a book that gives you information with specific instructions to restore health through natural movement. One of the subjects that the author addresses is the effects of sitting and standing on the body. This is interesting to me as I have spent years sitting without enough movement and suffered many health effects from that. Now I rotate between standing 4 to 6 hours my standing desk and sitting for part of my day.
Then I read about the effects that standing for long periods of time will have on your body. I did not realize what having all of your weight resting on your feet can do to your body. The author encourages natural movement throughout your day to offset the side effects of sitting and standing excessive amount of time.
This book is very informative and is loaded with tips about the body. I love all the different exercises that she gives. She offers many exercises for stretching your feet, your ankles, and your back. I love the one that works with the hips and even your arms. Building those muscles is what really affects and helps offset the sciatica. Being able to build your muscles also helps overall health and wellness.
One of the tips offered that struck a chord with me is the alternatives to sitting workstations and when she gives alternatives for simply sitting or standing. This book is loaded with natural movements that you need to start doing to help strengthen your entire body. Even something as simple as sitting cross-legged on the floor and getting up and down off of the floor is addressed in this book. You don’t realize how true this is until you wonder how long it has been since you’ve sat on the floor. And if you are like me, would you even be able to get up?! lol
I love that the author is able to take all of her impressive knowledge and bring you a practical guide that makes sense, is simple to do and incorporate into your day. For someone in the middle age group and even seniors, the exercises in here are ones that you can do help strengthen and build your muscles again. Definitely a book I highly recommend everyone checking out, regardless of your age!
I have been working on my natural movement much more since reading Move Your DNA By Katy Bowman and refer to the exercises often! This book is definitely loaded with great fitness and heath tips you can use!
Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.