Monday Motivational Minute

Monday Motivational Minute - A Midlife Wife

Monday Motivational Minute - A Midlife Wife

I got to thinking about motivation today. It’s something I think about often because I am often trying to jumpstart my weight-loss again.

It’s frustrating to have to restart when I did so well the last time. But no matter what I do it seems that my motivation fizzles out before I can get back into the routine.

Trying to reconstruct what I did last time has been difficult. But every day I know it’s a fresh start. And not only that but every meal is a fresh start.

Even if we mess up horribly at dinner, tomorrow’s breakfast is a brand new beginning. Same with exercise. I was so consistent and then winter hit and I lost my routine.

So this post is all about motivating myself, and hopefully you, to remember that every day we can start out fresh and new. Every meal, every hour gives us the opportunity to change something for the positive.

What are you changing today?

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