There are many types of stretching exercises to try. You can explore a variety of runner stretches by doing a simple search on the internet for step-by-step guidance along with visuals.
Yoga is entirely based on stretching and one of the best forms of stress relief, strength-building, and increasing coordination and range of motion. Pilates, too, offers the benefits of stretching.
Below find some tips for how to stretch properly before and after cardio and weight training exercise
How to Stretch Using Proper Form and Technique
Pay close attention to form and position.
It’s good to watch videos or attend an exercise class or two in order to get the proper form needed to stretch correctly. Like any form of exercise, it’s possible to cause injury if you do improper stretching or push yourself too much.
Avoid bouncing when stretching.
Instead, you want to apply slow, even resistance. Stretching your muscles requires that you place a body part, such as a hand or foot, against an object to supply needed resistance so you can push into the stretch. When pushing into a stretch, don’t bounce or you could cause injury to your muscles.
Deep, even breaths work to oxygenate your body parts while stretching. If you do yoga, this is something you may be familiar with. Try to breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth while doing each stretch. Focus on slow, even inhales and exhales. Try to expel all of the air from your lungs before taking another breath.
Hold each stretch for at least 30 seconds.
Stretching is about holding positions. Again, you’re using resistance to elongate your muscles and release both tension and toxins. The longer you hold each pose and the more relaxed and even your breathing, the better the stretch will be for your body and the better you’ll feel.
Stretching should not hurt.
If you experience pain while stretching, don’t force the position. You might try moving your body slightly to achieve better balance or get a firm footing.
If you continue to experience pain while stretching, you might consider talking to an expert such as a physical therapist or personal trainer to help you find out the cause of your pain. You may also consider seeking out medical help if pain continues to be a problem for you while stretching or working out.
Every body is different. A good example of this is that some people tend toward being bow-legged and others are knock-kneed. This will affect the alignment of your body. If you try a stretch and something feels off, it can have something to do with the way your body parts align.
So, take the time to work through your stretches, do some research on the proper form, and breathe. And just for fun, think of this kitty when stretching next time!

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.