How to Properly Exfoliate Your Skin before Applying a Self-Tanner

Now that we all know that tanning outdoors in the sun is dangerous for our health and for our skin, many women around the world are turning to self-tanners to get the glowing tanned skin that they desire. One step that is very important and that you must do before applying a self-tanner is to properly exfoliate your skin. By exfoliating your skin properly before applying a self-tanner, you will have a more even tan and it will help to extend the life of the self-made tan before you have to reapply it again. In addition, it will reduce streaks, funky colors and dark patches when you apply the self-tanner to exfoliated and clean skin.

You can purchase a body scrub that is specifically made to exfoliate your skin. Often times these body scrubs has a gritty feeling to them thanks to the ingredients used to make them which helps to slough off your dead skin. You will also want to purchase a mesh shower sponge or a loofah sponge which will be used to apply the body scrub to your body during a shower. If you choose, you can make your own salt or sugar scrub and that will work perfectly and save you some money too! While showering you want to use warm but not overly hot water. Apply the body scrub to your mesh shower or loofah sponge. Lather it up really well and then start rubbing it across your body in a downward motion. You want to get into all of your nooks and crannies too! Reapply the body scrub to the sponge if needed to get your entire body exfoliated and then rinse it completely off before hopping out of the shower. Make sure to towel dry yourself completely off. Read the directions on your self-tanner bottle for application directions and tips. Follow those directions very carefully and apply the self-tanner to your body. We recommend that you wear gloves while applying it or immediately wash your hands when you are done. No one likes really dark and tanned palms! Later that evening or the very next day, you should apply a good moisturizing body lotion or cream after your next shower to help keep your skin moisturized which will also help to preserve your self-tan to last longer. Use these tips for soft, smooth skin before applying your self-tanner and you will get a better result and look beautiful! Image courtesy of Photokanok and

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