Happy New Year 2022 and Reflections

Happy New Year 2022 - amidlifewife.com

Happy New Year 2022 - amidlifewife.com

Today I closed the book on 2021, literally. I started my new calendar and closed the old.

That action has such a cleansing cathartic effect not only for business but also for our personal lives. “Out with the old and In with the new”, we shout. But do we really need to change everything?

Yesterday I posted about wanting a sneak peek into 2022 and the fact that now is a good time to reflect on the past. While yes, I totally do that, I also embrace what did not work for me, especially for my health. I then tweak it to better reflect how I can make it work moving forward.

One of my struggles that I have been open with is the fact that I am addicted to sugar and it breaks me every time. I do good for a while and then I crash. Usually with the burn right behind it!

But I refuse to give up.

In yesterday’s post, I linked to a post from several years ago regarding my health goals for the new year back then. They have not changed. I am looking at a different book that I have featured here called Bright Line Eating. Sugar and Flour ARE FORBIDDEN. Is that something I can sustain?

I think about the alcoholic. We are not indifferent in many ways. Maybe I do need to completely draw the line. No is no.

When I was juicing regularly, sugar was not even on my radar. I had no cravings since I was eating almost keto then too. No sugar, very low carbs. I crashed on vacation when juicing was tough to continue in a car…

So what is my answer?? I am figuring it out – right here with you.

I hope your New Year is amazing, healthy, and most of all, happy! After all, that is what makes life worth living.

Happy New Year!

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