The Goodbye Bride by Denise Hunter

If you are a fan of clean, Christian romance novels then you’re going to want to check out this new release I was able to review by Denise Hunter called The Goodbye Bride. A beautiful story that offers both hope and sweet love.

The Goodbye Bride by Denise Hunter - book review

The Goodbye Bride by Denise Hunter
Series: A Summer Harbor Novel (Book 2)
Publisher: Thomas Nelson (March 8, 2016)
ISBN-13: 978-0718023737

She only remembers loving him. But he can’t forget the way she left.

Lucy Lovett can’t remember the last seven months of her life. She doesn’t remember leaving her fiancé Zac Callahan weeks before their wedding or moving to Portland, Maine. And she sure doesn’t remember getting engaged to another man. All she remembers is loving Zac more than life itself.

Zac was just beginning to get his life back on track after Lucy left him with no explanation. And now she’s back—vulnerable, homeless, and still in love with him. Has he been given a second chance with the only woman who stirs his passion and haunts his dreams?

Lucy knows she must unlock those missing months and discover why she threw everything away. And Zac knows that if he follows his heart he’ll win back the love of his life—but if Lucy’s memory returns, his would-be bride might say goodbye forever.

My thoughts on The Goodbye Bride

Well, this new book is part of the Summer Harbor series but it is definitely a stand-alone novel. This is the first time I had been able to read a book by this particular author and I was highly impressed with the beautiful and highly descriptive story that she has created.

Both of the characters were highly likeable and you are just pulled right into the story. The premise of the story is one that we see often but I really enjoyed the author’s twist on it. There was a lot of mystery that surrounded the story and keeps you really intrigued as far as what was going to happen.

Even though this is a Christian romance and a clean novel, there is so much depth of feelings between two main characters. There is plenty of sweet romance, endearing feelings with longing love. You really get a sense of how much these two mean to each other. I may or may not have shed a few tears over this story!

The author includes some beautiful sections with an inspirational message of trusting in God and believing He will always bring to you what is good and right in the world. Also believing in listening to your heart as that’s going to lead you in the right direction as well.

This is a refreshing novel that will leave you feeling wonderful and looking forward to the next installment in the series. Definitely an author that I’m going to be following now that I’ve been introduced to her.

Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free product to try out so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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