I know how hard it is to stick to a fitness regimen. Trust me, I’ve started and stopped my weight-loss and fitness program multiple times over the years. It’s only been the last year that I have really stuck to the regimen. However, I still have issues. Don’t give me wrong. There are good days and bad days in anything we do. However, I have found that using fitness apps have really helped me stick to my weight-loss and fitness goals.
One of my favorite apps is called My Fitness Pal. It is an easy to install app for a smart phone that works in multiple ways to help you succeed with your efforts.
First of all it is a food tracker. You are able to put in your basic body statistics and it tells you how many calories you need to eat each day. You can choose how fast you want to lose weight and it will give you the calorie counts for that level of weight loss.
You track your food by finding them in the huge directory of well-known foods stored within the program. You can also build your own recipes for the items that you make it home. I use this for my juice blends. The recipe is always saved and I can choose the right one for that particular day.
You can also check your fitness through the app as well. You can integrate activity trackers such as a FitBit or other ones. Or you can turn on your iPhone tracker, which is what I do since my FitBit is not working.
You can also add in the amount activity you did for a particular exercise and search for that activity in the directory. For instance, when I swim there are multiple alternatives of different types of swimming and I can choose the correct one and put in the time. It then calculates the estimated calories burned and applies that towards your food diary and modifies your calorie count.
When I use my recumbent bike, I put in the amount of calories burned in the amount of minutes I road and then it calculates the amount of calories burned. Each time I use it I just change the time and it automatically calculates calories.
Tracking your activity allows you to get a great snapshot of your activity level plus it encourages you to do more and challenge yourself too.
My Fitness Pal offers tons of other options that you can track such as water consumption. Plus it tracks your macronutrients as well so you can utilize that for those that enjoy eating according to those type of eating plans. There’s even an advance upgrade that you can use for even more information.
It’s an awesome tool that I use every day and it gives me lots of information to help me succeed in my weight-loss and fitness process. It’s definitely helps me stay on track. I definitely have to watch my fats!
Do you use fitness trackers in your weight loss and fitness efforts? Which is your favorite and how does it help you?

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.