I can’t believe it’s halfway through May already. Where is the time going?
It just dawned on me that graduation is right around the corner. With high school and college graduations, we have to be ready for all of those fabulous commencement parties that will be popping up.
It’s been about four years since my son graduated from college. God, I’m getting old. But I remember his party in great detail. All of that amazing food, some of which I could incorporate into my eating plan. Most of it I could not. LOL
I also remember my son’s announcements that we paid a fortune for through the school. I wish I had been a little bit smarter about where I purchased them.
Today there are so many great websites that offer high school graduation announcements, college graduation announcements, party invites for the after-party festivities, and more.
One of the cooler and affordable sites out there is called Basic Invite. I thought I would share with you some of the examples of their gorgeous announcements and party invites so if you have a graduation coming up, this would be a great place to check out.
Here’s some information below, plus a coupon code to save 15%. Definitely, one to snag!
And it’s not just party invites they offer. They have some very cool business cards that I have my eye on. I think I might need some more for my business – 🤣
Getting Ready for Graduation Parties with Beautiful Invitations
Check out their custom graduation announcements and the formal graduation announcements for college. Customize it easily.
Almost Unlimited Colors
Basic Invite is one of the few websites that allows customers almost unlimited color options with instant previews online. Once they select a design, customers can change the color of each element on the card. With over 180 colors to choose from, the invite is sure to be exactly how they want it. This is what sets us apart from almost any other online stationery company.
Custom Samples
Basic Invite is one of the few websites that allows customers to order a printed sample of their actual invitation before they place their final order. They can see the paper’s quality and how it will print, and make sure the card is perfect.
Over 40 Different Colors of Envelopes
Basic Invite has over 40 different envelope colors to choose from. With so many options, customers can make their envelopes match the invitation. All of the envelopes are peel and seal so they can be closed quickly and securely.
Address Capturing Service
Basic Invite offers an address capturing service that allows customers to share a link on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or any other social media to request their friends and family’s addresses. The addresses are stored in the customer’s account and can be selected during the design process. Basic Invite offers recipient address printing at no cost on all card orders. That is HUGE!
Foil Cards
Foil cards are available in gold, silver, and rose gold. Customers can choose flat or raised foil on all of Basic Invite’s foil designs. So Pretty!
Grab this Savings Code
Right now Basic Invite is offering 15% off with coupon code: 15FF51
I hope you enjoy the graduation season! It is so fun to send the grads off onto their next big adventure. Also make sure to check out the other items, including these awesome clear business cards! Love them!
You can follow Basic Invite on most platforms as @BasicInvite
Disclaimer: This is a sponsored post and I was compensated by the advertiser to write this post. I was provided with the subject matter to write about but the thoughts, opinions, and words are 100% mine.

Hi! I’m Chris! Just a Midlife Wife sharing about life’s journey; screaming and kicking through it while supposedly aging gracefully…
Focusing on healthy living, low carb & keto, things I am loving right now, and life in general.