The Fixer Upper by Lauren Forsythe: Review

The Fixer Upper by Lauren Forsythe

How many times have you read a book and found yourself with issues due to something with the book? Maybe it is the writing style. Maybe a character doesn’t connect well with your values or their behavior is questionable. What do you do? Keep going? Stop reading?

When you review books, you are in it for the long haul. I make a point to read every book and I am always surprised in one manner or another. I love to see how the author adapts to the issues in the story and the effect it can have on the reader.

In this upcoming release, the main character really had a quandary and in several places, I really thought I didn’t like where this was going at all. But staying in it for the long haul was a great choice! Read on for my full review.

The Fixer Upper by Lauren Forsythe
Publisher: ‎ G.P. Putnam’s Sons (August 2, 2022)
ISBN-13: ‎ 978-0593422519

The Fixer Upper by Lauren Forsythe

Ever since she can remember, Aly has been fixing everything around her: her parents’ marriage, her colleagues’ work problems, and her friends’ love lives. After a chance meeting with an ex who has gone from a living in his parents’ basement to a married project manager in three years, she realizes she’s been fixing her boyfriends, too…

So, Aly decides to put her talents to good use and, alongside two work friends, sets up The Fixer Upper, an exclusive, underground service for women who are tired of unpaid emotional labor. Using little tricks and tips, Aly and her friends get the men to do the work themselves – to get out of the job they hate, sign up for that growth seminar, to do more parenting. Before long, a high-profile Instagram star hires them to fix-up her app developer boyfriend. There’s just one catch – he’s also Aly’s childhood best friend and first love. As Aly tackles her biggest “fixer upper” yet, she’ll have to come to terms with their complicated history and figure out how much to change someone she’d always thought was perfect as he is…

The Fixer Upper by Lauren Forsythe Review

Every one of us makes hundreds of choices every day. Some are life-changing; some are minuscule. Some have a huge impact; some show little results outside, but inside we are a mess.

Aly has huge problems and while on the outside everything seems great, inside she is a mess. For others, she is a supportive friend and a fabulous soul. For herself, her esteem is in shreds.

The premise of the story is awesome. I think the author really hits the nail on the head with the deeper meaning here. I believe most people try to be supportive of others. Lifting up friends. Helping when and where possible. But for ourselves, we can be the worst possible friend and person.

The Fixer Upper offers us an internal view of what we should be accepting in life. A tight circle of friends/family who helps us see who we really are. A supportive team that has our back when we make tough decisions and cheer us on when we have finally had enough. And a partner who accepts you for who you are already are and where you are headed.

This book is humorous with some great characters. Ones you will love and others you love to hate. There will be times you will question the choices but hang in there. It’s better from the other side!

When it comes to Aly and her past boyfriend, I loved who they were together and their history. I just wish we could get more of them together. He is awesome!

A fun yet deep and insightful book that leaves you thinking about your life.


Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free ebook so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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