Willing by Leslie Morris Noyes: Review

Willing by Leslie Morris Noyes cover

I was able to review a new book this week that is a blend of women’s fiction and romance. This one is an interesting change of pace because it features a middle-age woman instead of a younger adult.

It’s definitely an insightful story so continue on for my full review.

Willing by Leslie Morris Noyes
Publisher: Self
Pub Date: March 23, 2021

Willing by Leslie Morris Noyes cover

Liz Silver loves her life. She loves her daughter, whom she’s just sent off to college, she loves her work photographing weddings and the optimism it inspires, and she loves her adventurous and carefree dating life. Then, at 45, she loses the creative spark that is the driving force in all these beloved areas of her life. She’s in a rut, a funk that many readers will relate to when disruptions to our normal way of life have left us cut off from many of the pursuits that give our lives meaning. Find a break from the tedium, a new lease on the same old life, and sexcapades aplenty in Willing by Leslie Noyes [Blender Publishing, March 23, 2021].

On a winter sabbatical to beautiful coastal Georgia, Liz finds inspiration in more than just the scenery. She meets an attractive, far-too-compelling man who has experienced his share of heartbreak. As for Liz, with her own history of heartbreak she prefers to maintain emotional distance from her romantic partners, but her typical modus operandi goes out the window when love casts a spell over them both. Each of them is forced to decide whether one last all-or-nothing gamble on intimacy is worth the risk.

Willing by Leslie Morris Noyes Review

I think there comes a time in our life when we tend to look back and try to figure out why we did what we did and how we can improve ourselves. This book takes a look at a woman in her mid-40s as we follow her day by day as she comes to grips with who she is today.

It’s one thing to be identified as a divorcee, a mom, but a middle-age sexual woman who may or may not be looking for a long-term commitment is something different. This author dives into a lot of the psychoanalysis that we tend to do as we try to figure out who we are.

Liz loves men, men of all ages. In her story we find that we’re inside of her head as she tries to figure out how to get past a broken heart and find the one who was made just for her. It is so relatable!

This is a very long book and I feel that some of it seriously could’ve been trimmed as we are diving into her inner most thoughts. The book really picked up in the middle half and on as she met the most wonderful guy who was just a dreamboat and a beautiful match but with issues to overcome.

The author created a wonderful connection between the two and even though there are trials and tribulations, we did have a lovely ending. Although I do have to say I really wish we would’ve got more of the happy ending. An epilogue; something. To me, that would’ve been the icing!

Willing is a coming of age story in a sense. Coming-of-age into our middle-age when we start figuring things out; learning how to let go and be happy. The story had beautiful imagery, a perfect amount of heat, and fun! Plus, a few things that will make you go wow. You go, Liz!


Disclaimer: Chris has personally reviewed the product listed above. She has not received any monetary compensation for her review but did receive a free ebook so she could evaluate and use it for this post. Her thoughts & opinions in this review are unbiased & honest and your opinions may differ.

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